Saturday, February 27, 2010

SC6's Fuzzy Thoughts: The Cameron Frye Edition

'Rooney, This Is George Peterson. We're Gonna Make This Short and Sweet'.

Another week, and not much else has gone on in the political world - or anywhere else for that matter. We're kinda liking the lack of drama, because we've had a pretty good run of it for about the past 20 years... Why Cameron? Because this week, Facebook is asking users to change their status by putting a line from their favorite movie instead. I really don't have a single favorite, but Ferris does have a line that describes me perfectly- 'He has built IT up in is mind as the be-all, end-all of human existence. He'll end up marrying the first girl that gives IT up - and she'll treat him like shit, becuase you can't love someone you don't respect.' Or something like that.... Onto the blurriness.

First the weather report. After three days of rain, we finally got to the point where the only snow left was piled up stuff on the roadside - until it snowed another 8 inches here Thursday Night and Friday AM. I saw grass for all of three hours.....I think that makes about 3 1/2 feet of the white stuff this Winter..... Joe's been stuck in Williamsport, Penn. for about 12 days with work, but he's coming back today - in fact, he's pulling up as I type this. Not to sound fruity, but I'm not sure if Carol or I miss him more.....

Bad news. I won't give names, but one of SC6's loyal readers and buddies was laid off this week. If you know anyone in the Chucktown area who needs help, let me know, and I'll get you in touch. Meanwhile, out thoughts and prayers are with you..... Tonight, we'll be going out with The Cougars to Katie's, where I'll be enjoying a few Blue Moons. They put the orange wedge in it, which is a bit embarassing, but it does add a few IU's of Vitamin C....

In politics back home, it looks like the dullness is causing some guys to manufacture 'news'. Maybe it's just me, but it' pretty boring to read the same article about Jim DeMint and Joe Wilson just done over again in a different wrapper... Does anyone really want to read Richard Eckstrom's e-mail's to Kelly Payne? Last time I read the rules of dating, it was 'guy's pursue, women shoot them down - even if they are interested'..... Florence had another great turnout at it's GOP meeting this week, and Sumter has had to change venue's to accomodate the bigger crowds. Now if Orangeburg can get enough people to go somewhere besides Capt. Bill's on 301, then I know we have some real progress going...

Speaking of dating, my friend in KC (whom I've never met) has agreed to get married in 2012 - if we haven't met anyone by then. Shabooty, as we will call her, also wants to get matching tattoos, but I only get stick-on ones.... Maybe we should meet first.....


1 comment:

  1. You know, Stephen's wife had an 80s skate party one year for her birthday and we all dressed as 80s characters. Thought you would appreciate that the Mayor went as Cameron. I really think he just wanted a Gordy Howe hockey jersey and that gave him the perfect excuse.

    For the record, I was Matt Dillon's Flamingo Kid. Von made a kick ass Visitor's uniform from V. My college roommate won the best costume as Bernie from Weekend at Bernie's (but Von and I will always believe it's because the people he invited felt compelled to vote for him). The best idea in my mind was one fried who came as the Karate Kid after getting the spaghetti spilled on him after seeing Alli and Johnny together: all white outfit with big spaghetti stain and red jacket.
