Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The SCGOP's P(ee Dee)R Problem ....

Schedules Conflict, Everyone Asks Me to Resign .....
Some bloggers like to flat out trash people, without any type of positive impact coming from it. They usually have much higher traffic than mine, so even though I may not have learned that yet, SC6 always does have a point to be made at the end. If you're honest enough to keep that in mind, the criticism I give will not be so meanspirited.....
So, what the hell am I talking about? We had a bit of a to-do this week in Florence, and I appeared to be at the center of it, because I stood my ground, and I got ticked off, even if I wasn't 100% right about it.... SCGOP Chair Karen Floyd has been on a tour, making the rounds at the various counties, and the party decided to make Thursday the day to stop in Flotown to round up some 6th District faithful. Why it's always Thursday, I have no idea (it can't be American Idol, could it?), but that's the date they chose. Problem was, there are already several Republican events going on at the same day/time as Floyd's scheduled 5:30 visit at Redbone Alley....
Yep, the Pee Dee Young Republicans are meeting at 6:30 with Lt. Gov. candidate Bill Connor the featured speaker, the Clarendon GOP just down the road meets at 7:00, and there is a fundraiser for State Treasurer Converse Chellis on as well. For the Pee Dee, that is a lot of stuff going on. Here's where it gets a bit fuzzy from my end. If you're looking to get out people n the 6th District, your first thought would be to contact the District Chair and/or Vice Chair, right? Nope. According to who you believe, the SCGOP doesn't have my or the Chair's number. I'd like to believe this, but considering that they gave my phone number to every candidate running for statewide office, along with my e-mail, I have a hard time doing so....
Instead, they contacted the Florence County Chair, who passed it to another person, who released the info to us. So, I end up getting a Facebook message from the party about 6th District Republicans. Yes, I am not in town right now, and yes, the people they gave the job to would get more people out than I would, but when you've waited six years to get the state party involved in ANYTHING in your district, and they bypass you, how pissed off would you be? In my case, plenty, and I think justifiably so. More so for the Chairman, who has been working in the District for 12 years....
From there, it gets even more confusing, almost to the point of unbelieveability. The person who handled it here was considerate enough to give me their side of what happened, which is essentially that the SCGOP was advised of the other events, and they insisted on Thursday at 5:30.... From my end of things, when I'm seeing red, and I have three sets of people telling 2 1/2 different stories, my first inclination is to not believe anyone, then figure out the facts afterwards. It usually works pretty well.....
Given the account I was told, it is a bit arrogant, and honestly, kind of ridiculous for the SCGOP to jump in the middle of a crowded sandbox, and ultimately disrupt three other events. Take into account who now has their plans affected: The District Chair and Vice-Chair, two County Chairs, the Young Republicans, a Lt. Governor candidate and the State Treasurer, not to mention the attendees at each of these events, all of whom were given less than 72 hours notice. Does my complaint seem justified a bit more?
That is the main reason, and the most important for why people in the Pee Dee are a bit peeved - they're just too afraid to say it, although I don't know why.... As for me, the party has officers for just this reason - a chain of command. I'd equate myself as a Lieutenant, and my boss a Major. To equate it in military lingo, the General had her staff contact the wrong division, and skipped giving the orders to the correct officer. In real terms, go ahead and still have who you wanted to do it, do it - but at least notify the right people this is how you'd like to do it.
Yeah, I was pretty pissed... Yeah, I used terms like 'BS Sandwich' and considered much harsher titles for this post - and less consideration. But, like I always do in the end, I tried to be constructive. I'd like to say that I'll keep my fingers off the keyboards so fast next time, but we both know better. Like it or not, you guys need me, but some are already trying to get me to resign the job I got because no one else wanted it. It ain't happening - not quite yet. I hope my points have been made clear to the people in Columbia.... WE drive the bus. You are leaders, but we are the doers, and sometimes you make the better move by not making one, rather than making the wrong move, which is what most people here are thinking today.... As for me, I guess I'll be in Flotown on the 25th instead, and see what the locals want to tell me. Think I'll bring my own food and drinks.....


  1. Anonymous10:36 PM

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  2. All ready for the fur to fly - and THIS is the first comment I get! What's the record Moye, 62?

  3. Anonymous5:08 AM

    It is clear to anyone that watches, the people in Columbia (party officials and elected officials) are not interested in what you and the average person thinks.

    If they were, our state would be very different.

  4. That could be true, but most people don't care what I think, regardless of their location or title.....

  5. Reino...I am your father. Join me...

  6. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Seeing the splits on some events between local and state, leaving the local parties to do most of the work and eat the bills, is a reason I've not been inclined to join the state GOP...

  7. P-Luv, are you try to get me to go to the Dark Side? No can do, buddy...

  8. Moye Graham11:33 PM

    Well Mike my meeting was packed last night even with all going on. The three Forence meetings, the Clarendon County Democrat Convention across the street at the Clarendon court house and the Christain Mens Wild Supper at the lake also two other events in Manning. The weather was terrible. We had to bring in extra chairs for people to sit. We had three state wide candidates for Education SCGOP to speak Moffly, Nelsen and Payne. We also had some Huck Pac people, other potential candidates and reps from some Conservative groups. I had people cone from Sumter, Williamsburg, Greenville, Lexington, Charleston, Beaufort and Richland counties. Had one guy drive over from Atlanta. I posted all the meetings where people would know what was going on and could make a choice to attend one if they wanted to. I would had liked to have had some help by getting other people to do the same for Clarendon but that did not materialize for me. I understand all the Florence events were also well attended and I am certainly pleased to hear that for them and the GOP. My next meeting is April 8, 2010. I expect a very large group of candidates and it should be a great meeting. Remember you can't win without Clarendon.
