Saturday, March 13, 2010

Stuck In a Position No Single Adult Male Should Be

Well You See, Danielle, That's A ...... Uhhh......CAROL ??!!!!!!
What do you do when you blow out another incendiary, flamethrowing post ? You take a day off, then come back with a funny story that has nothing to do with politics.... Like the Sour Patch Kid of politics that I am, I come through again......
Today, the house is all abuzz.... Yes, the weather absolutely sucks today (it's about 40 degrees with 35MPH steady winds), but the real reason is that it's Sarah's 7th birthday today. Cakes are being baked, parties at the Gymboree are all booked, and High School Musical (EGADS!!)-themed party supplies are everywhere. It should be fun, although we're getting a cancellation or two due to the weather. Yeah, it's THAT bad...
The funny part about being seven is that you don't really know everything, but you start remembering the stuff you don't know about. Case in point: Sarah and her next door neighbor, Danielle, like to sometimes come in while I'm blogging or paying bills. They're usually pretty harmless - Danielle likes to jump on my bed, and they always want horseback rides. This time was a bit different, and I didn't have the room 100% kidproofed. You see, Sarah took notice of my CD collection, and I didn't realize that on top was a copy of Nirvana's Nevermind... You know the album cover....EVERYONE knows the cover. Danielle sees it, picks it up, and goes "WHAT IS THAT ???!!!!", as she points at the kid's penis. I'm 41, I'm a guy, I'm single - I am NOT prepared for this.....
"Well, Danielle...... that's his pee-pee", I said.... She replies, 'His What?" You see, Danielle has two sisters and no brothers. She may not have seen one of these in her life, whereas Sarah sees Steven get changed everyday... I'm completely stuck. So, I do the natural thing..... I panic. I think I said something about that's where boys go wee-wee from, then I hit the Control/Alt/Delete button with kids, and said, "Hey, what happened to you kids not coming in my room?", and they left...... Disaster averted - maybe.
While I feel better about getting them out, it may be too late. I was a pretty inquisitive kid when I was young. When I was six, I used to go in my parents' dresser and make sure my Savings Bonds (remember them?) were still there - and I ended up with my first exposure to a condom. Mom freaked the same way I did. I had no idea what it was then, but I learned eventually. I'm a bit concerned that I just exposed a five year old to things that they don't need to know about at that age, but I can tell you one thing - I sure as hell ain't telling her Dad! Rock N Roll will ruin your life, one way or another... This is the closest thing I can equate it to. Go to about 3:45 into the clip, and give it about two minutes...

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