Sunday, April 18, 2010

First In War, First In Peace .... Last One to Return a Library Book ??!!

Not Exactly the Kind of 'Rebellious Behavior' We Were Looking For From the Founding Fathers ....

Nope, we're not kidding. While many of our founding fathers were brave, courageous and smart well before their time, some of them weren't exactly total role models. Today from, word that George Washington was........ GULP! .......... a......... non book returner !! Might as well throw the Constitution out - not that anyone in DC pays attention to it today anyway....

Yes, the Father of Our Country never returned two books that he borrowed back in 1789, when he first took office. The New York Society Library, the oldest library in America, has been keeping tabs on the late charges on 'The Law of Nations' and a volume of debates from Britain's House of Commons - although they won't mention how much they are. The library said they will forgive the debt in exchange for the books, which are probably priceless - and non-existent at this point. My image of Washington is totally shot now. He's now on par with Jerry Seinfeld, although at least Seinfeld paid the late charge for Tropic of Cancer.....

If you think Washington was alone, think again..... The same library also is waiting on books from Alexander Hamilton, Aaron Burr and John Jay. Rumor is that Hamilton was planning to return his overdue books right after his duel with Burr, but ...... So, the next time the librarian makes you feel like a piece of crap for being late, tell her that you're not being a scofflaw - you're being Patriotic !!!


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