Sunday, April 25, 2010

Fuzzy Thoughts: Kneeling at the Porcelain Pew

No, I Never Got Sick at Work Before..... But There's a First Time For Everything.

We apologize for not posting at all this week, but we have a decent reason. I caught a Stomach Virus that was going around the house on Tuesday night while at work, and we just are in the tailend of it today. Rule of Life: never watch TV lying next to a 2 year-old, because they cary every germ on the planet. This was the path of battle in the house.... Stevie got it Friday, passed it to Carol Saturday, then Joe briefly Sunday. I thought Sarah got it Monday night, but it must have passed her - and went right after me. Seriously folks, I never felt this sick in my life. I took less time to recover from 66 stitches of kidney surgery, but I was 14 at the time....

The tough part is that we missed posting on a lot of our favorite things: The Silver Elephant banquet, Striped Bass Festival, 4/20, remembering my Mom's birthday, and a few other things. But, we pick up where we left off, and start again, so let's give some of this week's small news.....

First off, Moye Graham's Son-in-Law is deploying for Iraq this weekend. While things are much safer than they used to be, we wish his family luck and a quick and safe return. BTW, Moye posted that his grandson hit a Grand Slam yesterday in his last game before his Dad shipped off. Nice gift....

All indications are that last night's Silver Elephant banquet was a success. Karl Rove gave plenty of Red Meat for the SCGOP to feed off of. They even had a Bloggers Row in the back of the room, although Earl Capps and Brad Warthen were the only ones who attended. I know I wasn't contacted, but I am kinda far away - but it would be nice to be asked. As for the rest, I'm not sure why they passed. Here's my rule: if you want to dish out some shit, you better be prepared to take it every once in a while. If you're right, you have nothing to worry about......

Dammit, I missed another Jim Clyburn Fish Fry !! Once again, I didn't get an invite from the Pimpmaster - I mean Whipmaster. Oh yeah...... I did read a Tweet from P-Luv that it was pretty good, as usual. I have one question..... Hey P-Luv, does Clyburn know that you and Hickory Head are friends of mine ???!!!! I picture all of Flotown's Federal funding going down the tubes with the release of that info...

Almsot forgot the weather report: you guys would consider it crappy, but I'll take it. Yesterday was nice - 67 and Sunny, but the storms rolled in from the West, and we'll be in the mid-50's with rain for the next few days. No, Spring doesn't come here until May, but it's long and very tolerable. I can't wait for the pool to open. Thanks to my constant body revolt, I lost probably 7-8 pounds this week, so we're going to try and maintain, rather than getting back to old playing weight....

The big story in music mews was definitely Bret Michaels brain hemorrage. If you need any proof that Diabetes will eff you up long term, just see all the crap Bret's endured. Last month, it was an appendectomy, now this. I'm only a borderline Poison fan, mostly becuase I think CC Deville is hilarious, but we wish Bret all the best to recover fully..... If it weren't for the fact that they were kind of taking advantage of the LA Riots, 'Living on the Edge' might well be Aerosmith's best song. Then they did that Armageddon song......

We appreciate you sticking with us this week. We will be making a big announcement , probably later today, regarding the blog. It should make things easier to keep up with us. See ya!


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