Sunday, July 11, 2010

Fuzzy Thoughts: The Ty Webb Edition

We're Just 'Being the Ball', Danny.....NAH-NAH-NAH-NAH !!

Greetings, Sports Fans.. It's another Sunday afternoon, and we hope we've given you your usual fix of Knicks, Chicks and Politics.... Sorry, we haven't eaten lunch yet. It's been slow treading this week in politics, and we don't mind the break at all. So, rather than forcing the issue, we just let the news come to us .... we're Being the Ball.

Luckily, there's been a couple things to chat about, so you shouldn't be Jonesing for news.... But, just in case you need another hit, we'll review the not-so-newsworthy stuff that crossed the transom of our ship this week...

The biggest news seemed to be the weather - yes, even more important than my birthday! Topped out at 100 degrees up here for two days before breaking on Thursday. It's leveled off to the usual mid to upper 80's, and not as humid. It hasn't rained like it has down there. Were happy with that as well.... I called the landscaper to have him juice up the grass for the upcoming sale, but he said it's green as can be from the rain. Thank You, God....

Almost as important as God was LeBron James picking the Heat. Yeah, he took the easy way out, but who can blame him? Cleveland sucks, New York is kinda cold, and they sure still are missing a piece or two of the Chamionship Puzzle. We do like them picking up Latta native Raymond Felton. We'll be sure to make him feel at home by taking him out to Bobbique in Patchogue for some Vinegar-based goodness. He's in good hands, folks... Found it scary that ESPN already had computer-predicted that the Heat would win 66 games within three seconds of James announcing his move...

Facebook 'friends'? Like you, I kinda use Facebook to keep track of a few frienimies as well. Guess I'm not the only one. I left a joke message about going to the beach with 'My Superhot wife and kids' (Carol and the Kids). Well, Joe got a call from his buddy who's wife is a FB friend of mine from school about it... Too bad he already knew about it, and got the joke. Hey pal, maybe if you paid Joe the $25,000 you owe him back, he'd listen to you more !! Fatti, Fatti tuoi ...

Good and Bad: the Yanks are riding a 7 game win streak, but came up short for the Cliff Lee sweepstakes this week. That's fine... We'll keep the prospects, and get Lee in 2011. Face it folks, if Baseball were Monopoly, the Yankees would own all the Railroads, Boardwalk and Park Place. I can already hear Tommy screaming 'Yanks and Braves in the Series' in my ear....

Listening to Pandora on my laptop at home makes me wish they'd drop that shitty Muzak channel at work, and let me put Chicks and Pianos on my desktop at work. I AM there 11 1/2 hours a day after all.... It will pay off by week's end, when I get my first bonus, weekly pay and trip reimbursement.

You might notice, there is no politics in this week's Fuzzy Thoughts. We like it that way. Politics should be like Cumin or Taragon - it only needs to come out of the Spice Cabinet once in a while. Life, Family and Friends is the Salt and Pepper.... hey, we like that!


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