Sunday, July 11, 2010
Williamsburg GOP Goes a-Stumpin' !!!
In year's past, we've been disappointed by the lack of support candidates in the 6th Congressional District have gotten in years past. Maybe, as Vice-Chair of the District, we've had a part of the blame. I'll say this - I can lead, but I can't make an army when no one volunteers. Fortunately, there seems to be a platoon or two who are willing to sign up this year....
If you want to be in the 6th District GOP Army (makes it sound kinda cool, don't you think?), we have an event locally to attend. On Tuesday, July 13th at 6:00PM, the Williamsburg County GOP will have a Stump Meeting at Brown's Warehouse on Hwy 52. All the GOP statewide candidates have been invited, along with district and local candidates. SCGOP Chair and former Mike Reino fan, Karen Floyd will be chairing the event...
Thanks to Williamsburg County Chair Barbara Mishoe for organizing the Stump Meeting, and best of luck to all the candidates in the District...
We hope to have a good group from Clarendon there.