Sunday, September 26, 2010

SC6's 'Homecoming Week' .....

Reino Is Coming Back ...... You Have Been Warned !!!

     Yes, like The Plague, Halley's Comet and voting Ed Robinson back in City Council, yours truly will be returning to The Palmetto State this week.  It's official: the house will close, and my bosses at work have been notified with the proper paperwork... I'm coming back to Flotown.

   Luckily for you guys - and most candidates - I will be in town only through the weekend.  A sort of 96 hour flu bug, hopefully without the nausea, clamminess and diahrrea as well.  Thank God, it's not like the last trip, where all I did was work on the house for 4 days. That part is done.  I'll be driving down predawn on Wednesday, and that afternoon, I'll be clearing just the last couple things out of the house. Thursday is the planned closing date.  After that, the time is my own, with the exception of a few minor financial dealings...

    I'd like to plan a dinner or something out with my political buddies, so you can e-mail me at , and let me know what day might be best for you, and we'll have a nice bi-partisan (re: HUGE Arguing Fight) discussion on November and afterwards...

    For those of you who'd rather not be around when I stink up the neighborhood, you have been forewarned of my presence - although we doubt you'd be reading us if you hated us.  That'd be sick...



  1. Not sure what my schedule is, but give me a holla. We'll make some time for our favorite Republican yankee...

  2. Anonymous6:58 PM

    This sounds like a trip to D&H is in the works...somebody better warn Ms. June the 4 horsemen are about to ride again..WOOOOOOOO...teg

  3. Bobby8:30 PM

    wow...and David Beasley is still Gubner
