Sunday, October 17, 2010

I Know I've Said This Before, But......

SC6 Announces The End Will Be Coming Soon... At Least The Blog Will.

       Yes, we have cried wolf on this a thousand times. However, after a few weeks and possibly months of thinking about this, we think it's time to close up shop here at SC6.  It's been one hell of a ride for all of us.  We've been to the mountaintop, and hit rock bottom here.  We've been praised , shunned, respected and dissed a lot in the nearly five years since we started anonymously - and we're immediately (and accidentally) outed by Ross Shealy about a week into it....

      For those of you who actually give a shit, he question may be why?  For those of you who know me well, you probably already know, but we'll explain the various reasons.  First and foremost, there is no time for this anymore.  Even my weekends are booked solid, and the only time I have to post is when I'm waiting on the laundry downstairs, which is not enough time to devote to being interesting. We've always tried to keep the bar high here, and even we will admit we're slipping. A lifelong friend who loves my Facebook comments asked me if my blog was as funny. My answer?  'We'll it USED to be".

    Need a few other reasons?  OK... It's been hard to blog about SC Politics from 700 miles away - the leads kind of dry up, and people who used to keep me up to date have gone elsewhere. Another big reason is that I've been dealing with health issues as well. My bad chlolesterol is atrocious, so I'm on some meds that drop your blood pressure and sap your strength a bit, but my Sinuses have been murderous for months on end now, and the doctors are telling me that I'm doing all I can. Ever try to concentrate with a vice grip on your head? It doesn't work to good.

   I guess I knew for sure that the end was here was when I went down to South Carolina, had four days off - and didn't blog once. Sure, there were things to write about, but the desire to do so just wasn't there.  But, on the positive side, I think the reason I'm quitting is that SC6 came in with a purpose - and we've pretty much reached our goal.  We've always view ourselves as the Political Jeremiah, to make a rare Bible simile for us.  For years, we railed against what was wrong with our Congressman, our state , our party and other things as well. We didn't have all the answers, but we think we've given a good blueprint to fixing it. After six years of being on the road and blogging about it, we think it's finally taking hold. People are fed up, getting involved, and doing something about it .... and we take ALL the credit for it!

     So, when will SC6 sign off for good? We're not sure yet. There are some good milestones ahead: the General Elections, our Five Year Anniversary on December 18th (Grandpa Minissale's Birthday), and we're getting near the 3000 post milestone as well.  In short, we have no idea right now, but our focus will be on finding some good material, getting it out whenever we can, and hoping we finish on a high note - not the crap that Oprah's been boring everyone with this year... Any suggestions on your favorite stuff is appreciated, and encouraged.  Thanks for reading all these years, and let the countdown begin - we guess Karen Floyd can't wait!



  1. BOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Three weeks off and this is how you come back. And on top of that Kentucky game last night? Do you enjoy kicking us while we're down?

    Hopefully, you will find your muse between now and the upcoming burial date.

  2. I don't know, P-Luv... I must be getting picky again, because the Muse cupboard is pretty empty right now.

  3. You need to move back home.

  4. Dear Mike 'The Bad Boy Blogger'
    You know it's hard to let go...keep a foot in the door for the rest of us!Politics and our region of SC need eyes and voices everywhere.
    Take care, Katherine

  5. west_rhino10:18 AM

    Oh come on and admit it, it wasn't Earl that tagged Nikki, it was you!

  6. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Sadly all good things must come to an end. Whether it's a great TV show, a favorite commentator, a news broadcaster or a once great paper, there is a beginning, a middle and always an end.

    Mike, we've ridden over a lot of roads through the years and I could not have asked for a better Rochester. I remember when you ran for Congress and the debates we had(now those were political arguments one could enjoy). Most people don't know this but it was Mike that brought the Four Horsemen of the Political Apocalypse together (now Katon and Karen know who to blame). Mike, I have found it doesn't matter how far you try to get from South Carolina (and trust me I moved across the country to find this out); once you've called this little bit of earth home, it always will be.

    While we may enjoy these last few posts knowing the end is nearing, we will savor them like the last bite of a well grilled steak or the last drink of 50 year old Scotch and remember the words for a fallen American, they are as true today as they were in of 1968...

    "Few are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of their colleagues, the wrath of their society. Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is the one essential, vital quality for those who seek to change a world that yields most painfully to change."

    You will be missed Mike, trust me, you will be missed...teg
