Sunday, October 24, 2010

Fuzzy Thoughts: Pins and Needles Edition

        Happy Sunday to all !!  I wish I could say things are great here, but once again, I've come down with a malady that I can't seem to get a real hold on. Two weeks ago, I got the official analysis of my blood tests - High Bad Cholesterol. Overall, I blew a 259, but 170 of it was bad cholesterol. They blame it on heredity, I blame it on a decade of BBQ and pizza every Sunday at Bobby's house....

    So, I got a prescription for Crestor, and the first ten days seemed great. It drops your blood pressure, so I slept like a baby, and other things seemed better too, if you catch my drift.. I stopped by the doctor's offie Wednesday for a standard follow-up visit. It seemed fine, aside from the gouging of my arm from another blood test (I bruise easily). She asked about 'any pins and needles?', and i blew it off, because I had none.. Well, the pins and needles started Friday, along with some standard allergic congestion. It was so bad on the way to work, that I took a two hour nap and popped a Sudafed, before I started work. 

    I immediately stopped the Crestor, but the pins and needles still come up anywhere from the top of my head to my legs. The best way to describe it is like wearing a wool sweater without a t-shirt under it.  No rashes, just the feelign to want to scratch.  Hopefully, my doctor will call back Monday AM to tell me what to do, but an occassional Benadryl and cough drops are helping.  Still, the perpetual feeling that you're going to die soon is a bit taxing. Still, the fuzziness continues on in the world, and so we report on it - although it does itch...

    As Election Day grows closer, a Republican sweep of the state offices seems as likely as ever.  Nikki Haley has a 14 point edge, and barring an 'October Surprise', Vince Sheheen appears to be heading for a loss.  I wouldn't expect anything new, because nine days left is prime time to drop a bomb.  If the GOP couldn't take out Haley, the Dems won't.  Having boobs like Carol Fowler run your show will do that...

    I just got my SC Absentee Ballot in the mail today. I guess I could fill out straight line, but that gives me the feeling that I'm a sheep, and actually READING a ballot is beyond my ability. That, and there are a few local races that are non-partisan or the GOP left blank.  I've only voted for one Democrat this past decade... I did find out that I now live in District 8, so a 2012 run against Johnnie Rodgers is out of the question. Maybe that Wilson guy will run again - but will he run as a Democrat or Republican this time? That race will be the tiebreaker, I guess...

     Speaking of Democrats, kudos to P-Luv and Mayor Hickory Head for throwing a successful Oyster Roast this week in Flotown. How do you fit 1200 people in the parking lot at Wukela Law Firm??? There's always a space for my car there, but 1200? DAMN....Must have counted everyone ten times.  ;)   It would have been nice to attend, but I was busy, and Jim Clyburn still has that restraining order bullshit against me...

    Updating an earlier post, the supernoisy Sun Chips bag has been discontinued, but for me, it's too late. Stevie is already addicted to the Garden Salsa flavor (the kid only eats like three things), so any chip bag noise is like blowing a Dog Whsitle to him....

    On the social scene, it's been a bit confusing. I got another wink from a decent looking girl on Match, so we'll see. Meanwhile, Julie calls me up to do stuff, but not much happens. Went over her house to see the Will Ferrell/Mark Wahlberg movie on Friday, but her friend was there too... Think I need to throw the buddy $20 to leave.  Two people with ADD hooking up is probably a bad idea anyway, but neither can focus long enough to remember to make a move!

     Evil thought of the day.... Justin Bieber has got to go - or at least hit puberty.  Maybe that lawsuit of him 'assaulting' someone in a Laser Tag game will ruin him.  See, he is gay, because getting charged with assault in a game of Laser Tag is the queerest thing I can think of...

     The Battle of Surfer Cooler rages on.  Carol swears she didn't buy this Capri Sun flavor, so i must have. I told her I only buy Wild Cherry or Pacific Cooler. She won't budge, neither will, so that Surfer Cooler has been literally sitting in the fridge for a month, unconsumed.  I just reversed my opinion..... THIS is the queerest thing I can think of. 

     I heard on XM that there is now a channel devoted to ....... drumroll, please..... PEARL JAM!  As much of a fan as I was of Eddie and the Boys, Pearl Jam 24/7/365 might cause even me to jump off a brige in my flannel shirt and Doc Martens!  But, hey, it's free...

      I went apartment hunting this week. Check this out. 1 BR/1BA apartments run from $1100-1350 a month here!  I might talk Joe and Carol into letting me hang until New Year's, or at least until I'm sure my job is safe...


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Well it could be worse, imagine how much a 250 sq.ft. apartment (think broom closet) in downtown Manhattan would be...teg
