Sunday, October 24, 2010

On the Ballot: The Statewide Constitutional Amendments

Yes, That's My Ballot, And Yes - It's Blurry ...

    Before the harrassment of my not owning a 'real camera' starts, I'll acknowledge the bad shot, and just move on... Like I said, I got my absentee ballot this week. To go over each office would be predictable and not very exciting. Yes, I went straight Republican, although maybe I had to think once or twice. One thing that struck me is the order candidates are listed. I guess the Green Party pulled the lucky ball from the hopper, because they are listed first for every office they entered a candidate. Republicans were second, Libertarians third, and the Democrats drew the outside post, unless you consider the Working Families and United Citizens parties as viable... We don't.

     Instead, we're going to devote a whole post to the Amendments, which in some cases are more important than the candidates themselves. Candidates come , go and eventually die, but the Constitution is forever - or at least until the other party comes into power and reverses everything.  Like most years, this year's amendments include some good ideas, and others make us wonder just a bit who felt THIS was important....

Amendment 1 - Hunting and Fishing Rights.

    "A yes vote will make it a constitutional right for citizens to hunt and fish and will permit the State to legally provide for proper wildlife management and the protection of private property rights." is what the official explanation is... Like we said, we're not sure why a Constitutional right to hunt and fish is necessary.  First they come for the guns - then they come for the fishing poles.... Either someone in Columbia had a buddy that has a gripe with DNR, or someone found a loophole that makes the agency technically illegal. We're not sure, but the overall bill seems OK with us. SC6 Votes Yes.

Amendment 2 - Secret Union Ballots
     "A yes vote will give employees the constitutional right to vote by secret ballot when they are voting on whether to be represented by a labor union."  We go a long way back on this issue, and we are solid in secret ballot.  how would you like having to go the the polls on Election Day, and be REQUIRED to tell everyone how you voted?  That's what Unions are used to doing here, so they can know who to pressure to vote how they want. To us, it's evil and flat-out un-American. It's an employees business and right to vote how they want - in secret.  SC6 Votes Yes.

Amendment 3 - Rainy Day Fund Increase
    "A yes vote will increse the amount of money state government must keep in the General Reserve Fund (aka Rainy Day Fund) from 3% to 5% of the previous year's revenue."  This is obviously a hot topic issue after the budget problems the past couple years.  Essentially, it's increased forced savings for the State, which HAS to balance the budget every year.  It is a graduated increase over the next 4 years, and there is a possibility of budget (and tax) hikes to cover the extra $$ from devious legislators. But to us, saving more for a rainy day is a good idea for anyone .... even Government!  SC6 Votes Yes.

Amendment 4 - Rainy Day Fund vs. Budget Cuts
    "A yes vote will require that the Capital Reserve Fund's first priority is to replenish the State's General Reserve Fund (Rainy Day Fund) instead of serving to offset midyear budget cuts at state agencies".  This is one that requires more thought - too much thought for someone going into a booth and seeing this for the first time.  It's basically trying to establish priorities in spending, and that is the problem to a degree.  Everyone has different priorities, and each year 180 legislators get together and set those priorities with the budget. Yeah, lower than expected revenues screw it up, but let's go back to the household allegory again... You have debts and responsibilities, and suddenly, you lose a bonus check, or you get fired. Do you start saving immediately to avoid doing it again in the future, or do you pay those bills you have now first?  Easy enough. Maybe there are some ways to cut bills, but hacking the budget to SAVE FIRST seems a little ass backwards to us, and out guess is there was a politician with his/her foot stuck in a theory book more the real world on this one.  SC6 Votes No.

   There, now you will be an informed (and slightly instructed) voter on November 2nd.   If you disagree with us on any of these issues, that's cool - after all, your vote counts just as much as ours does.... although it shouldn't. as for our picture, here's our reply....


1 comment:

  1. Somewhere in GA MG9:47 PM

    We only different on one.
