Sunday, October 31, 2010

Stunner: SC6 Endorses Pratt For Sixth District...

We Don't Mean LITERALLY Beat Clyburn .....

    Well, since P-Luv asked, we'll make an endorsement - but only one. Since we are SC6, and the district is our focus, we're going to try and help at least one person.  In this year of anti-incumbency, we could not think of a better person to get the hint of it than The Whipper himself, Jim Clyburn. Since it worked in the June runoff (just barely), SC6 is endorsing Jim Pratt for Congress...

      Granted, we don't know everything about Pratt. In fact, we've never even met or spoken to him directly - something we consider to be a big mistake on his part.  But, from all indications that we've gotten, Pratt has run the most active campaign in the Sixth since Clyburn took office.  If he works as hard as he has the past eight months, he will do fine in Congress.  Running is easy, winning is tough, keeping your promises the toughest part of all. 

    Now, do we have much hope that Pratt can win in a 53% black district? Not really... No one has gone above 33% the entire time.  We're almost looking for one of those 'moral victories' .... or more like one good cold-cock shot to the nose that bloodies up your nose, makes you take a step back, and wonder what the hell just happened.  My hope was for the Republican to get 40%, which would mean that Clyburn had eroding Democratic support. I think Pratt will do it, and then some...

     Misguided as it may be, there are some Republicans who think that Clyburn's seat can be won, so there are actually motivated people out there putting in time and effort, which is the real victory this year.. Don't give me five geniuses -  give me 50 people who aren't as smart, but will follow me into the gates of hell, or die trying.... They've finally shown up.

    As much grief as John Spratt has gotten this year, the truth is that Spratt is tired... to tired to care anymore, and he is just following the band.  Jim Clyburn is the leader of the band, the one who has Barack Obama's ear. The one who is helping him develop policy, and worse - getting it passed. In our book, Jim Clyburn is almost as much to blame for some of the misguided work the Democrats have done as Obama himself. Nothing would make us happier than a wake-up call to Clyburn - an election where even an arrogant politician like him has to take notice, and back off the ridiculous theory that Government can fix everything...

    Do we expect a miracle? Nope. We're realists here. Dreaming is what got us into this mess in the first place, from both parties. But, hard work does earn something from us here. That something is our endorsement, for what it's worth...



  1. I was thinking more along the lines of predictions rather than endorsements.

    Did you see the Rolling Stone piece on Obama? I've had my own gripes with the way some things have been handled. But this piece does a good job of summing up just how much his admin has done. I know we may not agree on the need for what he has done, but it's hard to deny just how much he has accomplished.

  2. Mike you know Jim Pratt is going to hold his Victory 2010 Party at the Clarendon GOP HQ in Summerton. Two weeks ago we had over 125 people at our meeting including our own Earl Capps. I do not believe Earl will make this meeting or the next when I have Governor Sanford here.
