Sunday, October 31, 2010

What Possible Good News Can Come From a Democrat Senate? We'll Try ...

If You Refer to the Map Above, You Can See the Emprical Data Clearly States That a Majority of the...... Aww, Forget It!

     Taking a quick look at the US House and Senate races, there is good news in that the Supermajority in the Senate and House will be coming to an end. That is the first , and perhaps best good news we have for November 2nd.  We have long felt that when either party - even Republicans - rules with an iron fist, bad things happen. On a side note, I have just been kicked out of the GOP.....

     Most signs point to a small Republican majority in the House, which will make us infinitely happy to see Nancy Pelosi and The Whipper go back to their closets... Now, will there be a GOP Majority is the Senate? Ehh, not so much.  According to a Washington Post poll and map (which is about a slanted towards the Republicans as you'll find), the Democrats have 48 seats which are not up, safe of leaning, to the Republicans 44. With two of the crappiest candidates ever put on the ballot this side of Alvin Greene, we here in New York are not helping the GOP cause. Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand are safe....

      With only 8 toss-ups, the GOP would have to win seven of them for a majority.... any majority.  While a few of these races are Democrat stalwarts like Harry Reid, Barbara Boxer and Patty Murray - which all three could lose - four of them have no incumbent. Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Illinois and Kentucky are toss ups with no bullseye on an incumbent like Reid.  In this year of anti-incumbency, it's hard to blame problem on a candidate that isnt in DC, so the job is tougher.

     Our guess here is that Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Illinois (Obama' old seat) go GOP, along with Reid and Murray's.  California and Colorado are just too liberal to go, and the Manchin name in Deliveranceland is too strong. That would leave a 51-49 Democratic majority. How is that good?  Well, in our always optimistic (stop laughing) view, it gives the Senate, House and White House an 'opportunity' (re: necessity) for bipartisanism, which generally leads to decent legislation.  Of course, it more likely will leads to NOTHING getting done for the next 2 years....

    No a majority is not a mandate for either party.... and that's a good thing. maybe for once, our leaders will see that the 'R' or 'D' isn't all that important. Doing right by the people is.  I said STOP LAUGHING !!!!!



  1. Picks! Picks! We want picks!

  2. What, you mean like endorsements? Who gives a rats ass who I pick?

    They'd all be boring, party-line choices anyway.....
