Sunday, October 31, 2010

The World's Longest Pissing Contest Finally Ends...

Two Weeks of No Fox Local Channel Ends at Last....

       The past two weeks, lots of us here in Yankeeville were wishing for the days when you could just hook up a pair of Rabbit Ears, and watch the Boob Tube.  That's because, like what has been going on a lot lately, local cable TV giant Cablevision and News Corp - owner of Fox 5 and My 9 in New York, took part in a gigantic pissing contest. As usual, the big losers were viewers.

     Fox and Cablevision's agreement ended about 2 weeks ago. Usually, the cable provider gives in, due to a lack of influence. However, Cablevision, which also owns Newsday - a direct competitor to News Corp's New York Post, as well as the New York Knicks and Rangers, used all their power as well to get the people on their side. Truth be known, they did an effective job at it. While News Corp was silent on why an agreement wasn't reached, Cablevision was EVERYWHERE, spouting that Fox wanted more than ABC, CBS, and NBC  combined - more than doubel what they were getting. 

    While the Fox blackout was limited - Fox News and sports channels were still on - New Yorkers were left out of the first two games of the World Series, as well as a Giants game.  Their regular programming was gone too, so fruitcakes who like Glee and other shows missed out as well.  Fortunately, an agreement (whose terms were not announced) was made yesterday, just in time for Game 3 of the Series. No doubt Fox was hoping for a Yankees appearance in order to gouge some more cash, but it backfired. 

    The holdout did solidify two things for us here: first, the FCC's mandatory digital signal HAS given consumers less choice and power, and that they could have stepped in and arbitrated a settlement weeks ago (like local Reps and Senators asked them to), but didn't. Which lends us the question..    Exactly what the fuck is it that you people do???  Another Clyburn in DC, doing NOTHING for you, as usual....


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