Saturday, November 20, 2010

Fuzzy Thoughts: The High Turnover Edition

Ohh, We Thought it Said Apple Turnover... Our Bad!

    We'll keep the picture anyway, because that looks pretty damned good when you're blogging before you've eaten breakfast..  It's been a few weeks since we've done a Fuzzy Thoughts. There's been a lot going on at work - mostly people leaving of getting fired. Fortunately for me, it was a co-worker and two of my bosses. That's an oddity - usually the management blames it on the writers, and we get axed. This place is more like Baseball, where the manager gets cut , despite the underperformance of his players. Just like the Mets!  Onto the observations, as we peer through our blurry spectacles....

   As usual, the weather and traffic: Sunny and getting kinda cold. Only around 50 today.  Road crews are still going 24/7 on Middle Country Rd, trying to finish six-laning it around Smithhaven Mall for Christmas season. Been working on it since I got here, so our guess is NO....

    In politics, Sarah Palin admitted she is thinking about running for the White House in two years.  We really hope not.. There are people who should be the voices of the party, and then those who should be on the ballot. Putting Palin on the ticket again would be about as appealing for moderates as the Democrats adding Nancy Pelosi. Locally, former NY Governor George Pataki is thinking of coming out of retirement and doing the same. Boutros-Buoutros-Aki is a nice guy, but he'll get the same treatment as Rudy Giuliani did - except Rudy has more balls..

   Need proof that the 2012 Election machine is starting to crank up? Look no further than your satellite radio dial... Our favorite XM channel in 2008 - POTUS - is back! And they're off !!!!

    So, Prince William and Kate Middleton are officially engaged.. Didn't see much of the interview, but we have two observations: we bet Wills had a majr crush of Elizabeth Hurley as a kid (Kate's a Hurley-clone, which is fine with us), and uhh... The future King of England is gonna have a Five Head very soon.  Maybe Prince Harry will be the cuter one after all...

   To the Sports Desk, we now go to Champ Kind... The Islanders are in a free fall right now, having lost or tied 11 straight games. They fired their coach, and hired DRUMROLL PLEASE ..... Former Pee Dee Pride coach Jack Capuano!! It must be a dream for the Long Island native, but we feel that warm glow is gonna wear off quick....

   Meanwhile, The Yankees seem to be in a bidding war for Cliff Lee - against themselves?  Yep. As good as Lee is, his price will be so high that only three teams have talked to him, and Texas Rangers President Nolan Ryan (who knows a little something about pitching), admitted they don't have the money to outbid New York.  Here's hoping Lee isn't another Kevin Brown...

   Of course, the biggest news of all, which we're sure you saw on every major network and cable station, is the likely return of Narcdog.  Yes, Matty bought a new bass and cabinet, and he NEEDS to play. So, we jammed on Wednesday night ( I was a bit late from work). There will be a couple needed changes: first, we're working on new cover songs, and secondly, there will be some estrogen added to the band, as Phil's wife Patty is joining us. Girl can sing her ass off, so strong backup vocals, and a whole new list of available songs will be at our fingertips. It should be cool, but there is some concern about losing the old fan base (we actually do have a base) with the new direction. Yeah, we will still rock, though!



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