Saturday, November 20, 2010

Karma Kicks Charlie Rangel Right In the Ass...

'Waiter, Taste the Soup... OK, Where's the Spoon?  A-CHAAAAAA.  A-CHAAAAAA'.  Rangel Gets Censured..

     For those unfamiliar with the reference, that was from Coming to America, whose character is much like Rangel - in that Rangel is a black man who sounds like an old Jewish guy...

     Justice finally came down hard on Rangel this week, at least as far as Congress will go to convict one of it's own.  Rangel was censured by the Ethics committee for numerous violations, including non-disclosure of invetsments and income, and properties that he owned in cushy places like the Caribbean.  Simply put, Rangel proved that he is a hypocrite - that he makes one set of rules for his constituents, then tries to skirt all around those same rules.  Will he continue to be re-elected? Of course... Last month, he beat Adam Clayton Powell Jr., who by this age  most voters think Powell is the bass player for U2.

    Two funny things about this that SC voters might find interesting about Rangel's probable censure: First, Rangel will be reprimanded for financial chicanery in the same way that Joe Wilson was for just saying 'You Lie' at President Obama.  Seems a bit odd, but we guess Congress has a secret rule book that says 'Penalty for Stupidity = House Censure'.

    As usual, Rangel had plenty to say, but his gravelly voice resembles fingernails scratching against a blackboard so much, that we couldn't her it.... That was Rangel's gift, and we kind of appreciated it - his ability to go on Fox News or anywhere, and absolutely bullshit his ass off on anything with a straight face. No one's buying it anymore, Chuck.



  1. I seen him at the Charlotte airport not long ago with his entourage on those little carts. He should had been shining shoes.

  2. He must have been switching flights from his undisclosed Caribbean hideaway back to New York or DC... Moye, you had the opportunity to shove him off the cart, jump on there, and back that f**ker over him, and you missed it.
