Sunday, December 05, 2010

I Owe You Nothing .....

  'In This World ..... All You Have Is Yourself'

- William Davidowitz, Cocaine Philosopher.

     No, I'm sure you've never heard of him. Billy Davidowitz was a friend of my brother's when I was in college. During my Summer Job days, I'd get up at 3:30AM to go to work, and Matt, Billy D. and few other would be sitting around the kitchen table, all high and trading sob stories - what we called The Crying Game.  When you have all that free time, occasionally you will come up with sage advice..

     That thought came to me in the past 48 hours, as I was kicked out of the house for driving Carol home from a party at 300AM, where I spent the rest of the night in my car in 25 degree cold, until I had to go to work at 630 on Saturday, where I was then summarily written up for a fuck-up that was not my responsibility.  I finally went to bed last night at 1100 - I was up for 42 straight hours..

    The thought of dropping my keys on my new boss' desk, packing my shit up, and going back to Florence definitely crossed my mind for more than a minute.  I have realized that people are screwed up and selfish, and that I am easy pickings for everyone to kick around.  When I do stand up for myself, I'm a malcontent and I'm the one with the problem. To hell with everyone...

    The fact is, I bust my ass for nothing.  I'm constantly put in a position where I am at a disadvantage, and forced to be a dick and start trouble, or say nothing, and then get pushed around. No more... I will push back, piss people off, and get out of whatever tough spot they've pigeonholed me in. They will temporarily feel better, like they've done all the accomplishing - then I will dump their ass like they've dumped mine, and they can go search for someone to fill in all the shit I do for them.... I can get my own place. I can work anywhere, and do about anything. No one owns me, and any debt I ever owed was paid off long ago. In fact, the way I see it, the world owes me at this point...

     Stupid customers can kiss my ass. Stupid bosses can kiss my ass. Stupid friends can kiss my ass.... It's as simple as this: if you're cool to me, I'm good.  If you want to bust my balls, expect retaliation - immediately and harsh.  I'm getting too old to be a punching bag.  Go bother someone else - I've had enough of your shit. Thanks for playing.....


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