Saturday, December 11, 2010

SC6 Remembers Ripken ....

Rocket's Twin Brother Passes Away ...

       This was always one of my favorite pictures that I took.  I must have taken twenty crappy ones of Rocket and Ripken as puppies that day - but I got one that was just about perfect...

       While I've been a bit preoccupied with my own troubles this week, more serious problems have been circling around my friends - and two of our four consistent readers.  Bobby called me earlier this week to inform me that Ripken, his three year old dog, and twin of my dog Rocket, broke loose from his backyard, ran into the street, and was hit by a car. 

      I'm not sure if Bobbo picked up Ripken at the pound for himslef, or ended up getting him because he was surprising me with Rocket while I was away in the Ukraine, but he was a good dog, like most dogs that have any ounce of Lab in them... His real twin was Bob's other dog Sandy, who lost her play buddy.

      Some people think I care more about dogs than people. In some cases, it might be true, becuase in many cases, dogs are better than people.  They don't hold grudges, they don't scheme and judge.  Whether you live in a mansion or a shack, if you feed and play with a dog, they feel at home. Ripken is in Doggy Heaven now, playing with Snoop and my old dog Andy, and meeting his sister Sam for the first time.  It's a bit ironic that, as I started writing this, this song came on my Pandora. The name is very unapt today, but I'm sure that it's about a guy's love for his dog... Peace, buddy!



  1. Anonymous9:53 AM

    There's a myriad of reasons why dogs are man's best friend but in the end it can summed up in with the phrase.."loyal to the end." RIP Buddy...teg

  2. Thanks Mike.
