Friday, December 24, 2010

SC6 Christmas Music Pick: David Bowie and Bing Crosby 'Little Drummer Boy'

     Even though we're worn out from 11 hours of Christmas music daily for the past month, we figured we should post at least one Christmas song.  Our favorite since we were a kid is Bing Crosby and David Bowie's 'Little Drummer Boy'... Maybe it's because it was he first video we saw with a real rock star in it, or perhaps we liked the backstory.  You know.... Bing's hanging at his cousin's house , and David lives down the road. Who the hell is Sir Percival anyway?

    But, it is an original version, and we like the mixing of Old School and New School - at 1970's New School.  Ziggy Stardust and the Florida OJ Guy singing together. Awesome !!!


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