Friday, December 24, 2010

We're All Just Riding In Moye Graham's Wake, Baby...

        Like we always say here, we may have invented the term 'The Four Horsemen of the Political Apocalypse', but we are by far it's weakest and most uninfluential member.  The Big Dog of the FHPA is Moye Graham...  How do we know?  We JUST DO..... Then there's news like what we heard this week that cements it...

      Recently, the Clarendon GOP Chair was named to the Governors Council on Aging, where he will fill one of the 15 positions available.  Who asked him to be on it?  Andre Bauer himself.  In comparison, the last thing Andre asked me was 'Who the F**k are you again?'  Yeah, there's ground to be made up, but I just mention Moye is my buddy, and I can get free lunch anywhere east of Columbia....

    Moye will serve in the position under incoming Lt. Governor Ken Ard, and we applaud Ken for not asking someone like me to fill a spot. Personally, we spend a lot of time arguing with elderly people, which would make us a bad fit for the job.  We'll work on it.... Congrats to Moye for another notch in his belt, and for showing the Four Horsemen - or at least Moye - are true badasses!!!



  1. Merry Christmas Mike.

  2. Thanks for recognizing Moye. We have come a long way this year under his guidance.
    Merry Christmas Mike. We wish you the very best in your new digs.
    Clarendon County Republicans
