Saturday, March 19, 2011

Bombs Away !!!!!

Obama Gives Libya His Own Version of 'Shock and Awe' .... Washout and Benson Are Ready!

      Granted, 'Shock and Ouch' might be more like it.  After all, how badass is it when you let France fire the first shot?  After you, Mr. Sarkozy.....  After weighing all the options - almost to the point where the resistance was wiped out - Barack Obama decided to fire off a few Tomahawks at 20 targets on the Mediterranean coast.  No Marines yet, although we're wondering why not. After all 'To the Shores of Tripoli' is part of the first line of the Marine Corps Fight Song... 

     The big question right now is 'Why Now?'.  What exactly pushed Obama to press the little red button on Moammat Qaddafi?  We think we know what it is. Simply put, it's two words ...... Charlie Sheen.

     Seriously, here's our theory, Oliver Stone fans... What's been going the past month? Libya and Charlie Sheen.  Actually Sheen has been the bigger story.  We think Obama has been slouching around the rec room at the Oval Office, and when you hear enough about Charlie Sheen, you'll finally pop in a DVD. For many of us, that means watching 'Hot Shots'.... After that, the story takes it's own path: Obama watches Hot Shots, thinks about Qaddafi, and the next thing you know, Obama's going all Topper Harley, bombing an accordion factory and mime schools in Falafel Heights....

    All right, maybe it needs polishing.  Actually, the choice was finally made that in the long term, a free Libya is better than a Libya with Qaddafi at the helm.  Short term, oil prices will probably jump again, but not much.  Libya does only have 2% of the world oil supply.  Long term, a friend in Tripoli would be better.  Qaddafi is batshit crazy - he makes Saddam Hussein sound like a levelheaded thinker.

    The important question now is 'what next?'  Short of an extremely well-placed missile shot, Qaddafi will not evacuate the office.  Perhaps we have another Black Ops job here... No doubt the country will gladly flip sides with him gone - they've been doing it already.  Too bad Topper Harley is busy at the Sober Valley Lodge.   WINNING !!!!!!!!!



  1. I think it was pretty clear we waited until the international community (especially the Arab League) signed off on intervening. Not a bad strategy seeing as how we're currently at war with 2 other Muslim nations.

    As I sit here and watch the Sunday News, I see John McCain bitching that President Obama waited too long. Shocker. Hey, John...sit down and shut up. Don't you have a fence to finish???

  2. Anonymous2:40 PM

    I never thought I would say this but Mike, you and P-luv are both partially right. Obama both wanted and needed someone else to take point on this. But I don't think he expected the French to come out this gung ho. Further, with the Arab League's approval it give's Obama the cover he needed within the Muslim world.

    The problem is, as McCain pointed out, now the rebels in Libya have lost momentum and territory. Patton put it best about paying for territory twice. Now because of Obama's poor use of diplomatic pressure, this rebellion which could have ended both quickly and possibly favorably in the USA's favor now risks turning into a civil war of attrition (think Vietnam here folks).

    Going a step further, as if the voters here didn't have enough to worry about(economy, unemployment, rising fuel/food prices Japan's nuclear accident and two wars); Obama has handed the MSM yet another potential lead story for heaven knows how many news cycles??

    Now if only the Republican could find a candidate who didn't get tied up in stupid birther arguements, could remember where Concord and Lexington are, and didn't have more personal family bagage than a set of Samsonite...teg
