Saturday, March 19, 2011

Is Microsoft's CEO an SC6 Fan ???

Yeah Steve-O, We Think We're Pretty Funny Too...

    We here at SC6 have long said that we're not the blog where everyone goes - just the smart people. The Movers and Shakers. The people who make things happen. Those are our core readers. At least that's what we would like to think. However, we JUST MIGHT finally have some concrete proof of it....

   Take a look at the post below that we had for St. Patrick's Day, and check the first commentors name.  Steve Ballmer.  Who is Steve Ballmer? Well, the only Steve Ballmer we know is the CEO of Microsoft.  Yeah, we got just a little conceited when we first saw the comment.

   Of course, some kind of solid proof would be nice in proving that we attract powerful people here.  It's pretty iffy. Now, there is an e-mail attached to it, and while we won't give it here, it is a G-mail acct.  From what little we know, G-mail is a Google or Apple property, not Microsoft. Secondly, why would Ballmer be trolling around Blogger - which is definitely a Google program?  especially a post with a topless girl on it?

    Our guess is that someone is using Ballmer's name, and thought SC6 was a high volume blog on Google, and decided to try and make him look bad.  Anyone can make a user name of Steve Ballmer, and say dumb stuff. Granted, the comment wasn't perverted or anything. Brett Favre's done worse.  However, despite all the evidence to deny this, we're going to be blissfully ignorant, and trump up our Top Shelf readership... Who's Next?


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Mike--I'll agree that probably is Steve Ballmer of Microsoft fame, people would be very surprised at the list of high powered politco's and business people that do read SC6. Just judging from the flack, I mean comments we have both taken over the years....teg
