Thursday, April 07, 2011

And the Game Changes ....

Yeah, We've Got a Couple Questions About Connor's Run..

       As we notice the trend that the SCGOP Chairmanship seems to now go to the best known statewide candidate who didn't win, we'll say this: If Lt. Governor hopeful Bill Connor does become the next leader of the party, he'll be fine. Maybe not great, but fine. 

     Yeah, we'll admit that Karen Floyd did an even better job than we thought she might. The 6th District local meeting fiasco aside, the SCGOP did a lot to be more open and accessible, and they raised an assload of cash.  Whoever takes over has some sizable stiletto pumps to fill...

     For a while, there was a lot of doubt of who that just might be.  Honestly, we needed a program to figure out who was who.  There was a little settling of who might be the front runners .... then the landscape shifted a bit.  Within a few days, the rumor and recruiting of Bill Connor to run for SCGOP Chair turned into an actual candidacy. 

     First off, therein lies the first problem: Connor's true motivation and wanting to be Chair.  Like any office, running for Chair is planned well ahead of time. Maybe Connor felt that running 15 months showed overkill, and this time, he'd do it the easier way. Or that this race will be just that - easy.   He might be surprised at how much harder it could be.  Lots of endorsements have been made already, and most people recognize the late timing on this. No, he'll have to work for it - just not 15 months!

    If Connor does win, we see a few significant events:

1. The Tea Party Now Runs the GOP.  Connor was their favorite candidate in SC last year, and he didn't work amicably with them - he was one of the few to encourage them, even at the expense of the Republican Party.

2.   GOP Power Will Drop.    This happens no matter who wins. After the strong ties that Katon Dawson and Floyd had, the drop to the next Chair will be precipitous.  Connor was not a big fundraiser, and the SCGOP thrived on that.  Maybe Floyd can give him her Rolodex...

3. Ken Ard has no office in HQ Anymore.   This should be interesting... Though I never heard a bad word from Ard or Connor about the other, their supporters went apeshit all of 2010.  Last year, neither had clout. A 2011 with both having standout roles in the party will be fun to watch.

No, nothing is set in stone yet. These things do take money, and we're not sure if Connor has any left. He has the name recognition Chad Connelly and the others lack, but SCGOP members don't view the gig as a figurehead role.  There is work to be done, although Connor's work ethic is above question.  However, we always ask why so late?  Those who fail to plan......


1 comment:

  1. I also would like to know why this late.
