Thursday, April 07, 2011

The Glue On the Federal Budget Gets Thin...

Which One Is the Democrat, And Which Is the Republican? We're Not Sure ......

     In the perfect fashion that makes us wonder if DC can ever do anything of measure, the House resolved the annual budget crisis.......... by passing a One Week Band-Aid Bill.  Praise be to God!  Seriously, we are really wondering what the hell is going on there...

     We'll have either of two things occur: the two sides are close enough to pass something laetr this week, and they can then get on to other matters. Or, we will see a government shutdown. Can Congress do anything? Will Obama finally stop watching from the sidelines, and tell both parties where the compromise will be? Really that is all any number will be - a compromise.  Unless they can make a balanced budget - HAHAHA !! - there will be no winner. We all lose.  We should be used to it by now....


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