Saturday, April 09, 2011

The Budget Battle Ends, And We Unveil Our New Slogan for Congress .....

Congress: Making the Easy Things In Life Much More Difficult Than It Needs To Be....

     So, it's April 9th, and we finally have a 2011 budget. Yeah people, the whole budget battle that's been going on is for THIS YEAR'S budget, not next year.  This budget's due date was October 1st, 2010.  We find it all pretty funny to see Representatives and Senators cram like Med Students the night before Final Exams - only to find out that the exam was actually six months ago..... At least they know the info now, right?

    Secondly, they somehow picked, prodded and investigated every nook and cranny in the budget..... and got a whole $38 billion.  Please note the sarcasm here.... How much is $38 billion? All of 1%.  It's easy for Congress to jack up discretionary spending 84% in 2 years, but cutting 10% it TOUGH. It's heartless, and it'll ruin the economy. Bullshit.... The only people who bitch that any spending cuts will make people homeless or destitute are the ones who have made a living by ripping off the government. Everyone else makes due and gets by.  Need proof? We take you back to 1946.... Forward the clip to exactly 6:00, then watch the last minute...

     Yeah, the first guy was a typical government prick. He was an asshole, and got his $242.00 - go choke on it. Notice he was the one bitching the most and loudest. But, everyone else was sensible and honest. They didn't need everythign they had, they just asked for a little of it, and everyone got by, and in the end, they were all better off. Sound familiar?

     Maybe Congress can get a hold of this clip before they start negotiating for 2012's bill, which is already halfway to being due - again.  2012 will be the serious budget battle, because Congress only had six weeks to work on this.  Next year's budget is open season, and it needs to be. If we can add $787 billion - and it doesn't affect the economy either way - then we can cut $200 billion on the bullshit, and the same result will happen. Of course, neither side will go that far. Maybe half that. It's a start...... but can they finish?  That won't be so easy.


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