Thursday, June 30, 2011
SC6's Civil War Diary: Elmer Ellsworth's Empty Chair
As we continue our diary of the Civil War on the 150th anniversary of the events as they occured, we'll admit..... Right now is not a very exciting time, as far as major events go. The late Spring and early Summer months were ones mainly of gathering troops and training the green soldiers for battle. Most people were still seeing the fight as a short period of time. Many feared that they would 'miss out' on all the fun.
There was a certain crazy amount of romance in the very beginning. In our opinion, there were many acts of stupidity, disguised as bravery and love of country. Very often, people lose their common sense at times like those. A perfect example is that of Elmer Ellsworth....
Ellsworth was a close personal friend and associate of Abraham Lincoln's, having worked with him back in Springfield, Illinois. Despite a War Department appointment, Ellsworth declined it, and became a Lieutenant in the New York Zouaves, mainly as a firefighter....
As the story goes, Ellsworth was at the White House, when Lincoln was looking out the window across the Potomac River into Virginia. In the neighboring town of Alexandria (Southern Territory, mind you), Lincoln noted a Rebel flag displayed on the roof of the Marshall House Inn. Surely the irony of the US Capital being literally within eyesight of the enemy must have hit Lincoln. Well, his eyes and words had much more of an ironic effect on Ellsworth.
Ellsworth dispatched his 11th New York infantry across the river, where they went to the Inn unmolested. First they seized a railroad station, then a telegraph office. Next, he went to Marshall House Inn, and with three other soldiers, he tore the Rebel Flag down, with the intention of giving it to Lincoln. Waiting at the bottom of the stairs was James W. Jackson, the owner of the Inn. Jackson shot Ellsworth with a shotgun blast to the chest, and Jackson was immediately killed by one of Ellsworth's corporals. The first casualties of the Civil War had just occured...
In an odd way, Ellsworth got the glory he had wished for. Lincoln had his body lie in state in the East Room of the White House, and then to City Hall in New York for similar honors, before being buried Upstate. No doubt Lincoln was regretful for making the comment that led to Ellsworth's foolish charge, or probably for even looking out the window at that moment. Funny things happen in war - even funnier when it's grossly misunderstood as being romantic....
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Joe Wilson Throws His Two Cents Into the 2012 Presidential Race ...
Joe Wilson: The Next Secretary of Defense In the Pawlenty Administration ???
The big news in SC Politics was 2nd District Congressman, and Chief Anti-Obama cheerleader Joe Wilson's endorsement of former Minnesooota Governor (not a misspell there, folks) Tim Pawlenty for President in 2012. To us it's a bit of a surprise.... Wilson is generally viewed as a much more conservative hawk than Pawlenty is. We'll admit, it does leave us a bit confused. Then again, in the Quid Pro Quo world that is politics, our paranoid side does have a theory....
Yeah, Pawlenty does need all the juice he can get, and South Carolina is a key state. Getting the Wilson endorsement is a positive for the campaign, especially in the logjam of candidates, where no one is breaking out. Will it work? We'll see.... The part that we don't quite get is from Wilson's end. Why now?
We've always had one rule when it comes to endorsements: we never do it until the field is closed. That rare occasion does come along where we see a candidate that we know well enough to pick, but almost exclusively, we wait. To us, Wilson's Pawlenty choice looks like a case of not waiting until the body gets warm.... Joe, what about Trump or Palin, or Rick Perry, or a dozen other possibilities? We just saw this last month with the SCGOP Chair election. The candidate announce in a set time period, and then the delegates or voters choose. If you're a candidate, you make up your mind sooner, and voters wait until later....
Maybe there is a Wilson - Pawlenty connection that we don't know about. To us, there are questions about the timing - but we'll go back to our paranoid streak, because right now, it makes the most sense to us: Quid Pro Quo. Like we thought two years ago, Jim Clyburn was shooting for a gig in the Obama Cabinet, likely Transportation Secretary. Instead, they gave him something even better - to have Obama's ear. The Sage. Sorry, we gagged a little on that one. We see Wilson going a bit to the same route. We all know his area of expertise. To us, we see Joe Wilson shooting for Secretary of Defense if Pawlenty makes it to the White House. The irony of it all is not lost on us... Joe Wilson going from 'You Lie' to 'You're Outta Here'.
It is a gamble and a half to us. The odds of a Pawlenty win are long, but you never know. Tradition dictates that those who commit early are heavily rewarded when it pays off in the end. That is maybe what Wilson is banking on. He really doesn't have much to lose - lots of people endorse candidates who lose, and don't pay for it, as long as it isn't a habit. We'll find out how hard Wilson works to see the thing through next year....
The big news in SC Politics was 2nd District Congressman, and Chief Anti-Obama cheerleader Joe Wilson's endorsement of former Minnesooota Governor (not a misspell there, folks) Tim Pawlenty for President in 2012. To us it's a bit of a surprise.... Wilson is generally viewed as a much more conservative hawk than Pawlenty is. We'll admit, it does leave us a bit confused. Then again, in the Quid Pro Quo world that is politics, our paranoid side does have a theory....
Yeah, Pawlenty does need all the juice he can get, and South Carolina is a key state. Getting the Wilson endorsement is a positive for the campaign, especially in the logjam of candidates, where no one is breaking out. Will it work? We'll see.... The part that we don't quite get is from Wilson's end. Why now?
We've always had one rule when it comes to endorsements: we never do it until the field is closed. That rare occasion does come along where we see a candidate that we know well enough to pick, but almost exclusively, we wait. To us, Wilson's Pawlenty choice looks like a case of not waiting until the body gets warm.... Joe, what about Trump or Palin, or Rick Perry, or a dozen other possibilities? We just saw this last month with the SCGOP Chair election. The candidate announce in a set time period, and then the delegates or voters choose. If you're a candidate, you make up your mind sooner, and voters wait until later....
Maybe there is a Wilson - Pawlenty connection that we don't know about. To us, there are questions about the timing - but we'll go back to our paranoid streak, because right now, it makes the most sense to us: Quid Pro Quo. Like we thought two years ago, Jim Clyburn was shooting for a gig in the Obama Cabinet, likely Transportation Secretary. Instead, they gave him something even better - to have Obama's ear. The Sage. Sorry, we gagged a little on that one. We see Wilson going a bit to the same route. We all know his area of expertise. To us, we see Joe Wilson shooting for Secretary of Defense if Pawlenty makes it to the White House. The irony of it all is not lost on us... Joe Wilson going from 'You Lie' to 'You're Outta Here'.
It is a gamble and a half to us. The odds of a Pawlenty win are long, but you never know. Tradition dictates that those who commit early are heavily rewarded when it pays off in the end. That is maybe what Wilson is banking on. He really doesn't have much to lose - lots of people endorse candidates who lose, and don't pay for it, as long as it isn't a habit. We'll find out how hard Wilson works to see the thing through next year....
SC ........ 7 ???
SC's New Redistricting Map Has Us Wondering If We Need to Change Our Blog's Name ....
Through the magic of Facebook, we got a message from SC House Member (and possible New 7th District candidate) Alan Clemmons. The overseeing committee that makes up redistricting plans has passed their plans for the new Congressional districts for the next decade, starting in 2012. Taking a quick peek at it, we note two things: first, we will need to change our blog from SC6 to SC7, because we'll have a new Congressman. Yes, we are celebrating already, and we take full credit for the change, based on our dogged harrassment of Jim Clyburn. Send the check to my house....
Secondly, for the most part, the strong get stronger. The new 7th will be The Grand Strand and Pee Dee, as it should be. The areas are used to working together, and now we'll have one Congressman representing the entire area. Right or wrong, we'll have one person sending the ship in one direction... Good Luck. It does lean slight Republican, so a sixth GOP Congressman with Jim Clyburn as the lone Democrat is entirely possible. Clyburn here is the big winner...
As usual, Clyburn has screwed his fellow Democrats for his own political gain, along with his slacker daughter Mignon, who we still think will someday be representing the 6th District once ger cushy gig at the FCC is over. He dropped Florence County, with the exception of 90% Dem precincts in Timmonsville and Lake City. Close to a third of GOP votes came from Flo Co. He also picked up key spots in south eastern parts of the state. Clyburn winning for life with 75% of the vote is a real possibility. Word is, Moye Graham has already begun to hang a black flag on his boat in Lake Marion, to mourn his party...
Another big winner is Mick Mulvaney. He lost Upper Dee counties like Dillon, Chestrefield and Marlboro, which are heavily Democrat, in exchange for the area west of his district. Lucky Guy for a first termer.... The two Upstate districts are pretty well unchanged, and should stay Republican. Yet, for every winner, there has to be some kind of loser.
To us, the loser appears to be Joe Wilson. His area around Columbia was pretty much set already, and it appears unchanged. However, he lost Beaufort County. Joe Wilson without Parris Island is like Rambo without his big Bowie Knife. His support is very rabid, but he still has quite possibly the weakest district among Republicans. He is gambling a lot if he accepts the new plan.. Tim Scott may have lost a little ground by losing Horry and Georgetown Counties, but moving South and gaining Beaufort County will make up for it.
For me, there is one big outcome. I'll finally have to give up my gig as 6th District Vice-Chairman, since I won't be living in the district anymore. Considering that I haven't been there for the past 18 months, that is no surprise. In the meantime, I'll be taking applications so I may endorse my successor in the near future.... Coming Soon - SC7 ????
Congress Needs One Less Weiner In It ...
Democrats Are Jumping On the Dump Anthony Weiner Bandwagon.... And We Agree.
Just in case you didn't know for sure, we're Republicans here. Whether that gives you the impression that we can't be impartial is up to you, but we'll disclose that anyway. We've been watching political scandals and wrongdoing from both sides intently for the past decade, and this is one of the stupider ones we've ever seen. We mean stupid not by the attention it's gotten, but on how retarded Anthony Weiner (D-NY) had to be to think this would not come back to bite him in the ass. Yes, called another Congressman a retard. Par For the Course, people....
Yeah, except for those of us who are too ashamed to do so, all of us take a peek in the mirror in our undies - or less. The sensible of us don't snap a photo of the ugliness, then post it on our twitter account or Porn Stars. BTW, good to see that Ginger Lynn is still around and looking well. What do you call someone who does those things, besides Congressman? Narcissist is a good term, although Narcissist and Congressman are pretty much interchangeable terms. It's all about them, their power, and seeing how much you can get away with.
If Weiner thinks he can survive this, then he is as deluded as he is self-absorbed. Why? Not so much for the crime as his ability has been weakened. Nancy Pelosi is calling for him to quit, once the new that he chatted (not sexually) with a 17 year old girl. More importantly, his wife is a key staffer of Hillary Clinton, who is well-versed in this shit.. Reportedly, Clinton is furious over this, and wants him to quit as well, even if he ends up unemployed. He has NO support...
Perhaps he is blinded by the initial survey that showed 54% of his district's voters would still vote for him, but that was as the scandal broke - and that was before the 17 yr old was revealed. Just because he is in a strong Democrat district, that doesn't mean he needs to be the one representing them. They'll find someone else..... You know - someone who's junk hasn't been on Twitter. Quit the 'Sexual Rehab' bullshit, and just quit.....
Today's Founders Quote: Capacity to Annoy or Injure
"Whoever attentively considers the different departments of power must perceive, that, in a government in which they are separated from each other, the judiciary, from the nature of its functions, will always be the least dangerous to the political rights of the Constitution; because it will be least in a capacity to annoy or injure them."
- Alexander Hamilton, 1788.
We agree. Congress can and has done much more damage to the citizens of the United States than the Courts have. Why? Probably because the Supreme Court's job is to interpret law, where Congress makes laws. Bad idea in our view.... One thing that would never annoy us? Aussie babe Lisa Gleave - although injuring ourselves with her would be just fine. MEOW !!!!!
Cartoon of the Week ..
Fires, floods, tornadoes, earthquakes ? Nope, just a Nuclear Meltdown at Newt Gingrich's Headquarters. When your entire Senior Staff jumps ship, that IS NOT a good sign... We would like to see where they all end up though. I saw this occur with Rudy Giuliani's SC Campaign in 2008 (actually, they fired people). How did that work out. The good news? Gignrich may soon have plenty of time to play Capt. Bligh in the local dinner theater production of Mutiny on the Bounty.. MISTER CHRISTIAN !!!!!!!!!
Sunday, June 05, 2011
Erection 2012, The Race For the White House: Sarah Palin Hits the Road .... And the Campaign Trail?
Palin Plays the Media As She Tows the Campaign Line ....
It was all Sarah Palin, all week as she toured America's famous historical landmarks. It was classic Caribou Barbie: well publicized, opinionated, with the usual faux pas or two.. So the big question is whether Palin is in or not in 2012. So far, we're 0-1 on handicapping candidates. Our guess is Palin is out, but she wants to the conscience of the GOP next year.....
Yeah, Palin's negatives within the party and especially outside are pretty lengthy. While she may be a darling of the Tea Party, the TP's still don't run the party, nor are they the majority nationwide. She's likeable, but the presidential gravitas that we look for still is absent. Get her off the teleprompter or to speak extemperaneously, and watch the flubs come a flyin'..
Also, just like Mike Huckabee, the post 2008 life has been much, much easier - and rewarding. Financially.... Palin is cleaning up on the speaking circuit and with the book deals. Why run for President? But, just because you're not running for office doesn't mean you can't wield power, right? Ask Bill Clinton... Nope, that is our guess. Much like last year in South Carolina, when she helped Nikki Haley, Palin wants to shape America in her vision. Whether America agrees with her or not - or even the GOP for that matter - remains to be seen.
Palin is a great cheerleader and headline grabber, which is more than we can say for just about everyone else in the party, with the exceptions of John (The Crying Game) Boehner and Paul Ryan. If she can tighten her game up a bit, she can be an effective tool for the party. More effective than if she actually ran....If not, she could end up making the GOP look divided .... and foolish. We'll see.
It was all Sarah Palin, all week as she toured America's famous historical landmarks. It was classic Caribou Barbie: well publicized, opinionated, with the usual faux pas or two.. So the big question is whether Palin is in or not in 2012. So far, we're 0-1 on handicapping candidates. Our guess is Palin is out, but she wants to the conscience of the GOP next year.....
Yeah, Palin's negatives within the party and especially outside are pretty lengthy. While she may be a darling of the Tea Party, the TP's still don't run the party, nor are they the majority nationwide. She's likeable, but the presidential gravitas that we look for still is absent. Get her off the teleprompter or to speak extemperaneously, and watch the flubs come a flyin'..
Also, just like Mike Huckabee, the post 2008 life has been much, much easier - and rewarding. Financially.... Palin is cleaning up on the speaking circuit and with the book deals. Why run for President? But, just because you're not running for office doesn't mean you can't wield power, right? Ask Bill Clinton... Nope, that is our guess. Much like last year in South Carolina, when she helped Nikki Haley, Palin wants to shape America in her vision. Whether America agrees with her or not - or even the GOP for that matter - remains to be seen.
Palin is a great cheerleader and headline grabber, which is more than we can say for just about everyone else in the party, with the exceptions of John (The Crying Game) Boehner and Paul Ryan. If she can tighten her game up a bit, she can be an effective tool for the party. More effective than if she actually ran....If not, she could end up making the GOP look divided .... and foolish. We'll see.
Today's Founder's Quote: Ignorance and Debauchery
"No people will tamely surrender their liberties, nor can any be easily subdued, when knowledge is diffused and virtue is preserved. On the contrary, when people are universally ignorant, and debauched in their manners, they will sink under their own weight without the aid of foreign Invaders."
- Samuel Adams, 1775.
Simply put, the Beer Man is saying that Stupid Is As Stupid does.. Knowledge is power, and a lack of it by the people wil lead to it's own undoing.... Meanwhile, Kathy Gardiner and her lovely booty give us thoughts of debauchery..
Cartoon of the Week ..
After this week, we're sure no one wishes they were an Anthony Weiner (D-NY)..... Here's our advice from an amateur Congressman: if you are an elected official, stay off Twitter. Honestly, has any good come from a Senator or Congressman posting on Twitter? We didn't think so. So Weiner, what was the result of that 'professional investigation' anyway?
Wednesday, June 01, 2011
Take That Shitty Budget Back, Mr. President ...
Finally, Something the Entire Senate Can Agree On.....
Guess we'll have to change his name to Barack Zer-Obama !! In case yu missed it, the Senate took up resolutions last week to consider budget proposals for FY 2012. First up was the one pushed by the Obama Administration. Long rumored to be one long on fuzzy math and short on actual cuts, it was quite possibly the first resolution to have bipartisan support since a bill promoting the Boy Scouts, or naming a Post Office after someone...
Yes, it was a score worthy of a Super Bowl involving the Buffalo Bills ..... 97-0 ! Zippo. Nada. Nunca. Bubkus. Insert your favorite here... Stunning that they would be so far off from reality that they couldn't even find a Senator from California, New York or Massachusetts to vote for it. Clearly, the message was sent - be serious, guys.
Then, in typical DC fashion, they voted down the bill passed by the House of Representatives as well by a partisan 57-40 vote. So, as usual, they did a lot of voting....... and nothing was accomplished in the end. That's Washington for you, folks. But even we are stunned by the rebuff from Obama's own party. Makes us think of a song.....
Guess we'll have to change his name to Barack Zer-Obama !! In case yu missed it, the Senate took up resolutions last week to consider budget proposals for FY 2012. First up was the one pushed by the Obama Administration. Long rumored to be one long on fuzzy math and short on actual cuts, it was quite possibly the first resolution to have bipartisan support since a bill promoting the Boy Scouts, or naming a Post Office after someone...
Yes, it was a score worthy of a Super Bowl involving the Buffalo Bills ..... 97-0 ! Zippo. Nada. Nunca. Bubkus. Insert your favorite here... Stunning that they would be so far off from reality that they couldn't even find a Senator from California, New York or Massachusetts to vote for it. Clearly, the message was sent - be serious, guys.
Then, in typical DC fashion, they voted down the bill passed by the House of Representatives as well by a partisan 57-40 vote. So, as usual, they did a lot of voting....... and nothing was accomplished in the end. That's Washington for you, folks. But even we are stunned by the rebuff from Obama's own party. Makes us think of a song.....
'It's For the Kids' Still Works Up Here ....
School Budgets Pass to the Tune of 96% In Yankeeville ..
Like we've stated a few dozen times since we moved back to Long Island, the property taxes suck up here. People pay more in taxes than you likely do for the mortgage. About 60% of that tax bill goes towards supporting the 124 school districts here. Unlike South Carolina, teachers and cops are very well paid here. Finding one making six figures is not uncommon, along with the Class A benefits and retirement that you and I pay for. A couple weeks ago, those school budgets went up to it's annual vote. With everyone facing tough times, there was a lot of questions whether they would pass this year...
Thanks to some rare budgetary restraint, fear and the usual voter apathy, only five of the districts budgets failed. To their credit, many of them saw the handwriting, and wrote budgets with small increases in the 2-4% range, although there were tricks. Many have statutes with 'alternate budgets' if the listed one fails. For example, one district had an alternate budget with a whopping 22% jackup if the 2% increase failed. Nothing like voting with a gun to your head, is there ?????
So, another year has passed, and the neverending mantra of 'It's For the Kids' has worked again. I don't expect anyone Down South - especially if you're more liberal - to understand. I'm single, so I can apartment the next 20 years away without concern for how impossible it is to own a house here, which is why I left in the first place. Not everyone is that lucky. For example, my friend John is moving to Virginia in 2 weeks. Want to guess why? Maybe we'll make our kids so smart, that they can figure out how to fix this mess...
Like we've stated a few dozen times since we moved back to Long Island, the property taxes suck up here. People pay more in taxes than you likely do for the mortgage. About 60% of that tax bill goes towards supporting the 124 school districts here. Unlike South Carolina, teachers and cops are very well paid here. Finding one making six figures is not uncommon, along with the Class A benefits and retirement that you and I pay for. A couple weeks ago, those school budgets went up to it's annual vote. With everyone facing tough times, there was a lot of questions whether they would pass this year...
Thanks to some rare budgetary restraint, fear and the usual voter apathy, only five of the districts budgets failed. To their credit, many of them saw the handwriting, and wrote budgets with small increases in the 2-4% range, although there were tricks. Many have statutes with 'alternate budgets' if the listed one fails. For example, one district had an alternate budget with a whopping 22% jackup if the 2% increase failed. Nothing like voting with a gun to your head, is there ?????
So, another year has passed, and the neverending mantra of 'It's For the Kids' has worked again. I don't expect anyone Down South - especially if you're more liberal - to understand. I'm single, so I can apartment the next 20 years away without concern for how impossible it is to own a house here, which is why I left in the first place. Not everyone is that lucky. For example, my friend John is moving to Virginia in 2 weeks. Want to guess why? Maybe we'll make our kids so smart, that they can figure out how to fix this mess...
Today's Founders Quote: To Love and Cherish
"Every man who loves peace, every man who loves his country, every man who loves liberty ought to have it ever before his eyes that he may cherish in his heart a due attachment to the Union of America and be able to set a due value on the means of preserving it."
- James Madison, Federalist No. 41
Sound advice from our 4th President. Those who love our country will be more apt to make good decisions for it. Another thing we' like to be attached to is Carin Ashley. We could have picked any one of 20 pics of her!