Sunday, October 30, 2011

Someone, Please Find This Man a Job in the Party..

Bill Connor For SC6 Chairman ????

    This year, many Republicans were working hard to draft decent Presidential candidates.  While it mostly failed, there are always examples of drafting people to run for office, or jobs within the party.  On our recent trip, there was an obvious draft effort out there, and it's not a bad idea...

    Former Lt. Governor and SCGOP Chair candidate Bill Connor drove up I-95 to visit the Clarendon County GOP meeting a couple weeks back.  On numerous occasions, Connor was publickly mentioned as an ideal candidate to fill the upcoming SC6 Chair position being opened with redistricting.  Honestly, we felt it was a job beneath Connor, but the important thing is if Connor wants the gig.....

    Bill Connor came pretty close in both his campaigns for Lt. Governor and SCGOP Chair.  He lost a tough campaign to Ken Ard, and if he had gotten in a lot earlier, he may very well be Chairman today.  But, those are the breaks.  A district chair is a much smaller, thankless and unfunded job.  Having a 7th district will make it easier to over an area, as opposed to the gerrymandered bullshit I endured in the old 6th (2 1/2 hours to Edisto Beach? Please!!). 

    Mostly, the job is a title, and being a County Chair or on the Executive Committee is a bigger job.  Essentially, it is what you make of it, but if Connor is looking for that title, he would undoubtedly be a Chair with the biggest name.  If he wants it, he's earned it.  They could do a LOT worse....



  1. Moye Graham2:09 PM

    I personally want him to be the next Chairman of the Sixth. I plan to support him if he decides to run. We need Bill in the party.

  2. I'll second Moye's recommendation.
