Fat & Rich: Was Boss Hogg a Ladies Man?
You've seen it. We've seen it. A hot woman with an ugly, fat guy... And the same thought comes to mind - he must have pulled her from a burning building. No, just kidding. The thought is, 'He must have money'.. It's a bit harsh, but according to a recent survey, it's true. Women will put up with the gut - as long as there is some green....
Don't ask who put this survey out. All I know is I heard it from the local news last week, so I don't know if it was the New England Journal of Medicine, or Stuff Magazine. Basically, a woman will stay with a man that gets old and fat, as long as he is making money. Of course he's making more money - if he were broke, he'd be LOSING weight, not gaining it! In short, if you're poor, that gut is a problem, if you're rich, it's cute...
Now, if you're one of these guys lucky enough to have this 'problem', don't get so confident... It has a limit, and on average, that limit is 20 pounds. Yes, there is a cute paunch, and then there is 'my hubby is turning into Fat Bastard, and it's time to cash out, and hook up with the landscaper with the 6-pack abs'..... Be warned, Cubsie Ubsie - you might want to sacrifice just a bit of that cash, and hit the gym an hour or two a week...
hey...do you like fat guys with no money?