Sunday, November 20, 2011

Newtie Makes His Move...

Careful What You Wish For, Mr. Speaker... There Are Plenty of Slingshots Aimed at Blowing Up That Balloon!

     Another week, another front runner... This week, the sun rose - and now Newt Gingrich has become the darling of the conservative movement.  Rick Santorum, maybe your time will come, but.....   You know, for a group of people so steadfast in their beliefs, Conservatives are having a really hard time settling on a candidate - kinda like me deciding on a favorite at the Strip Club...

    Like many Republicans, there are parts to Newt Gingrich that we like. And there are parts that we wish were attached to someone else.  Yes, Gingrich can lay claim to leading the conservative charge that helped Bill Clinton stop listening to his wife, and right the America's ship towards a balanced budget and prosperity.  But, he's been married almost as much as Elizabeth Taylor, and has spent the better part of the past decade whoring himself out to the highest bidder.  Baggage indeed...

   If you think Barack Obama will not slyly exploit the obvious values edge, you don't know much about politics.  I don't prioritize being a family man for my President, but a lot of people do, and retorting 'I led the conservative movement in the 90's' isn't enough to overcome it..

    Of course, it's still only six or so weeks away from Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina (where the leader once again may be determined), and it's a virtual dead heat between Gingrich, Mitt Romney, Herman Cain and Rick Perry - all flavors of the week at one point or another....  Will Newtie still be there?  It's a long time til then... When will it be Jon Huntsman's turn?  Uhhh.....



  1. Bobby8:44 PM

    I dont like any of them so far.

  2. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Huntsman will be hard pressed to make it to SC if he doesn't finish in the top three in Iowa, NH or Nevada, the same is true for Bachmann.

    If Cain's continues to have issues the media he may not make past Nevada. Aligations of sexual impropriety usally is a election killer, remember President Gary Hart?? Also Cain isn't Bill Clinton.

    That leaves it down to Newt, Romney and Perry. Perry now has TV ads up in SC, so we can guess where he is betting on getting his big mo. Romney has increased his appearances in SC and Newt is moving staff here.

    Still plenty of time for things to get interesting.
