Sunday, November 20, 2011

SCOTUS : Bring on Obamacare !!

America's Future Waits While These Nine Old Geezers Decide On The Legality of Obamacare's Mandate ....

     Perhaps the most important news for the American economy wasn't from the White House or the Capitol.  Of course not - Barack Obama is Down Under (down under who, we're not sure), and Congress is ...... well, they're Congress.  No, all eyes were and should be on the Supreme Court this Spring and Summer, where the court will decide on whether citizens should be required to have health insurance, among other aspects...

    To us, there is no doubt that the Court accepting the appeals case was a win for Republicans.  If it were dropped, then Obamacare would be law.  Since the case was taken, either way it will be good for the American economy.  Why?  Because businesses across the country are waiting it out, thus slowing recovery down.  We have no doubt that whether or not it is good, the large unknown that is Obamacare has scared the beejesus out of all companies and businessowners.  the best thing that could happen for the American economy is for Obamacare to be overturned.  We dont think you give someone a candy bar when they haven't even had dinner, and that's what Obamacare is. Basics first, jobs first...

      The second best thing is just for the Supreme Court to make up it's mind, and let business stop waiting, and get on with it.. The difference would be six months, and light years on the red tape put on business, but the unknown is the scariest thing there is.... Mark it on the calendar - June, 2012.  Then, we'll know, and the economy goes on from there.  Don't expect unemployment to go anywhere until then, we'll just have to wait.  Sing it, Tom....


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:47 PM

    The current court is divided 4-4; it will all come down to Justice Kennedy. Kennedy has developed a reputation as being the independent Justice.

    The arguement against Obamacare is basically straight forward; where in the Commerce Clause is the Federal goverment given the authority to force an indivual to buy medical insurance? The Commerce clause can no more be used as a basis for Obamacare than it can for used to reguire we all eat vegitables.

    The current administration is looking to expand the powers of the federal goverment. The risk is that it puts us on a very slippery slope to future goverment mandates. With those future mandates comes higher costs, ie more taxes.

    Also, it puts future enforcement of what is or isn't constitutional at the whim of the latest temporary occupant of the White House. Think of it like this:We all know that Obama and the Democrats would love to see some type of universal gun registration.

    If Obamacare is upheld, then the DC Democrats can use that precedent to push through legistation reguiring that all gun owners carry some type of gun insurance with the registration of all guns. The democrats will have just backed into a principal idea they have long sought-gun registration.

    The potential for admistration edicts that could be turned into end runs around the constitution is unimaginable. Considering the current enviroment in Washington that has all the makings of a Constitutional Crisis in the making...teg
