Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Another One Bites the Dust in SC7 ....

Debbie Harwell Ends Her Congressional Bid ....

      Guess that post on the ever-shrinking GOP field in the upcoming 7th Congressional district was a bit premature, because we've lost another one... This time, it was Debbie Harwell.  Honestly, we were familiar with the name (who in the Pee Dee wouldn't), but didn't know her from a hole in the wall, so our initial reaction was 'exactly who is she?'.  But after checking her resume, she had the type of contacts that generally do well in a congressional race.

     Newspaper editor, PR rep for about every public project the Grand Strand was shooting for, who seeming was attached to every branch and politician like a Deer Tick.  And, of course, she's a Harwell by marriage.. Unfortunately, it was the marriage that got in the way of a political career, when her husband fell seriously ill over the holidays.  While we applaud her for scuttling a run to aid her husband, we wonder why people run for office when they're married to a 79 yr old man... Yes, it's hypercritical of us, but these things happen.

     For those of you who live in the Pee Dee, this may have been a good thing. In Harwell's resignation announcement, she mentioned continuing to fight for what is best for the people of the Grand Strand.. and the rest of the District.  Later, her campaign manager corrected that she meant the Pee Dee as well.  For those of us who worry about the Grand Strand dominating the seat, the fears appear real, and we may have just dodged a bullet...  

     With all the news that's been going on with the GOP field here, we're beginning to wonder how well thought out these candidacies were, and the amount (or lack) of dedication these people had.  One thing for sure: the smaller the field gets, the better chance former Lt. Governor Andre Bauer has of taking this.  We have misgivings about Andre as the Congressman, only due to his lack of experience in the District, but the Strand hasn't put up a serious candidate. As for the Pee Dee, it appears no one wants to run.  Sad... Will there be a last minute candidate entering the race, now that the field is shrinking? Maybe.  At this rate, no one will be left by February.....


1 comment:

  1. We're all waiting for you to announce your candidacy.
