Tuesday, January 10, 2012

It's Time For the Granite State to Choose ...

Ahh, The Bridges of Franconia Notch... On the Other Side Is South Carolina - But Who Will Make It There ?? 

    We've made it onto Round Two of the Presidential Primaries/Caucuses.  the bad news is we're in New Hampshire, where it's not a very close race. The good news is we've got South Carolina on deck, where the field gets cleared, it's gets even uglier - and we finally have a clear cut leader.  We can't wait....

    No doubt, the race today is for second place, or to us, third place.  This is Mitt Romney's state to lose, and he didn't fall flat on his face.  New Hampshire is an interesting state - lots of independents on all sides, and they all get to vote.  The splits for those independents and undecideds are falling all ways.  Romney wins the electability votes, Ron Paul takes the hardcore vote, Jon Huntsman gets a share of the undecideds, and Rick Santorum gets the Tea Party slice.  No clear winner on that section...

   So, who is trending up and down?  Santorum and Huntsman are going up, but not much.  Paul has been going up as well, though not much either.  Romney is stuck in neutral as usual.  That leaves us with the slippers: Newt Gingrich and Rick Perry.  Perry is in deep, deep trouble.  We really thought he was quitting after Iowa, but he is hoping for an SC miracle. It ain't coming....  Newt is sliding in New Hampshire as well, but he has a much better chance in the Palmetto State.  No, a fourth and a fifth isn't exactly the recipe for victory, but he'll recover some on the 21st.  Probably just not enough....

   The main headline from New Hampshire?  Romney wins pretty handily, Paul makes his push as the possible runner up, Huntsman shows well, but not enough to cause critical mass.  South Carolina is going to kill his campaign.  Santorum does OK, but not enough to be the clear alternate to Mitt Romney.  Gingrich trails, and can't wait to get to South Carolina. Perry is a no-show, but goes onto SC as well.  After South Carolina, Huntsman and Perry are both gone....

 Romney 37%, Paul 22%, Huntsman 17%, Santorum 13%, Gingrich 9%, Perry 2%.


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