Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Day Republicans Start Envying Wealth ....

The GOP Field's Demand For Romney to Release Tax Return Shows People Will Do ANYTHING to Get Elected...

     Typical to any election that get closer to a possible inevitability, the nearer Mitt Romney gets to being the clear cut leader of the GOP Nomination, the less his opponents seem to be..... well, Republicans.  First, Newt Gingrich tries to blow a missle through Romney about Bain Capital.. Now, everyone suddenly wants Romney to release his tax returns.. Today.  Our question is this: what the hell happened to the Republican Party?

     Clearly, it's a case of class envy.  Sure, we often envy those who have what we would like, but it's pretty sad to see candidates, particularly Republicans, try to use class envy for their own benefit. That's all it is.. Any Republican who is demanding that Romney show his tax return is only doing it to get elected.  Everyone knows that Romney is very rich.  Maybe even less than some people think.. His current net worth is somewhere in the $200 million range, which is certainly in the 1%, but all the voters know that.  People aren't voting for Mitt Romney because he can relate to being an Average Joe.. It's beccause the guy understands business, and has run a state government pretty successfully as well.  Sometimes, that's what it takes....

     Truth is, no one needs Mitt Romney's tax return.  All his financial info is available on the FEC website.  It's required by them for any candidate for Federal office.  We've filled one out ourselves. It's not fully detailed, but it gives an overall view of what he has, and that's enough.  Why does he not have a return ready? Mainly because it's not due til April, and when you owe taxes, you pay at the last minute...Much was made of his disclosure that he paid about 15% in taxes last year.  Doesn't sound like much, but that's because Romney's not even working, he's campaigning. The 15% is based on capital gains from his investments. If you want it higher, then be prepared to pay more in taxes yourself, because Cap Gains is a flat tax....

    Class warfare never works, especially in the GOP.  Seeing something like this from fellow Republicans is repulsive.  Part of the party platform is letting the government interfere as little as possible, to allow any man to reach his/her potential with no limits.  Well, apparently there are some candidates that think there is such a thing as too well off... unless it's them , of course.   No one likes losing, but better to lose honorably than the scorched earth game played by some of these guys...

    It seems that the one thing that has given South Carolina Primary it's distinction has somehow turned into a curse.  By having chosen the GOP nominee every year since 1980, all the candidates see this primary as all or nothing.  That is, if they win, it somehow is an automatic bye to the nomination. if they lose, it is all over by history.  The truth is, the future is never written by the past.  2012 will go the full term, and it would not surprise us to see none of the candidates clinch the nomination.  Therefore, it would go to the floor of the convention in Tampa.  It wouldn't surprise us at all.  So, all this ridiculousness of asking for Tax Returns today is a waste. We've got a long way to go. Too bad it's only more time for the candidates to destroy each other...


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Imagine being an athlete and signing a 100 million dollar contract and paying between 35 to 40 million in taxes, that would suck! But all the candidates need to show their tax return only to verify that they actually pay them. Other than that we should have no interest in them.
