Thursday, January 19, 2012

Rick Perry's Ship Drops Sail ....

You're Dismissed , Governor ..

     The big news today was Rick Perry's impending announcement that he is ending his presidential campaign. And now, there are four... More importantly, Perry is encouraging his supporters - all 4.4% of them - to vote for Newt Gingrich.  It doesn't sound like much, but that is within the margin of error between Gingrich and Mitt Romney.  Otherwise, we probably wouldn't care....

    It was a wild ride for Perry.  Viewed as a frontrunner immediately, Perry quickly fell precipitously over the 5 months of his campaign.  Yes, there were tons of verbal gaffes along the way which helped to do him in, but there was a bigger problem: Perry obviously didn't think the whole thing through.  This wa clear during the economic debate where Perry did not have a plan prepared, but promised to have it by week's end.  Fail...

    Other factors did Perry in.  2012 is all about putting up a candidate who can beat Barack Obama.  Nominating the Governor of Texas who seemed like a good ole boy that talked big would be too reminiscent of 2000 and 2004.  Lots of Republicans (and most independents and centrist Democrats) are done with George W. Bush, and they weren't about to put a Bush-like clone.  Maybe it's us, but we're sick of hearing how things are done 'Texas-style'...  Texas has become the new New York  - the people who talk shit all day, and annoy the hell out of the rest of the country.

    In the end, Perry failed because he flat out wasn't Presidential.  We think he got talked into running, and wasn't ready for the details involved.   In the end, he started sounding like a hater.  Many candidates become something they're not during their last cries, but Republicans don't envy people for making money.  He'll probably look at that last week, and realize he didn't help himself long term.  If there's a next time, hopefully he'll learn.


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