Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Learning the Obvious: SuperPACs Are Superbad ...

This Past Year's Lesson: If Something Is Called 'Super', It Isn't..

   If this is any indication, this year's Super Bowl is going to be one of those Buffalo-Denver circa 1990-esque games..  Why? Because if we have learned anything from the past year, it's that the term 'Super' has been way overblown - almost to the point of being a term of sarcasm...

   We're learning a lot during the primaries here. A lot about the candidates, and the whole process, but what we also need to look at is what works, and what doesn't.  We heard a lot of grumbling about it when the Supreme Court OK'd it, but we're really seeing the nightmare now.  To us, there is no doubt about it: SuperPAC's suck...

   Hell, we didn't even like PAC's that much.  We've already hated individuals or corporations overinfluence on candidates or an election, but at least PAC's had limits.  SuperPAC's are like PAC's on steroids... And we're already seeing the worst of it.  Our trip to South Carolina showed us instantly the worst of the system as it exists.  Most of the ads that we saw were negative, and under the guise of a SuperPAC - a faceless, nameless barrage of slamming with no trail for the average voter to waste their time tracing.  It's sickening...

   Look at Newt Gingrich.  Yes, he has staff in South Carolina, but if not for the one guy in Las Vegas, of all places, Gingrich would be dead.. His supporters no doubt view this guy as a savior, but on person shouldn't have that much influence on an election, especially with the dubious attack ads leveled on Mitt Romney.  Now, they all have SuperPAC's backing them.  They go on rogue missions, with supposedly no communication or guidance from the campaign.  Great idea, folks.. One rich guy without any restriction goes fully-cocked on an assault mission via TV to distort and destroy whatever they disagree with.  Sounds like democracy to us...

   No, we don't like cronyism, which is exactly what it is.  We're trying to make government smaller, but instead, the elections are being taken away from the little guy, and thrown wholly into the hands of a few guys with cash....and agendas.  It sucks.... It's too late to change anything this year, so be prepared for the worst election season EVER.  But, SuperPAC's need to be ended.  It won't be easy, since it's already been OK'd by the Supreme Court.  But, something being legal doesn't make it right.  Congress has to wipe the SuperPAC out, and say to the SCOTUS 'Thanks for the clarification, but we're better off without it'.  Things can be fixed, but Congress has to have the will to do it... Will they? Don't hold your breath.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:01 PM

    I won't hold my breath, although it's definitely worth the fight.
