Sunday, January 15, 2012

Huntsman's 'Ticket to Ride' Doesn't Get Him Far...

On the One Hand, I Could Get Up to Five Percent... On the Other Hand..... Aww, Fuggit!  Huntsman Bows Out..

    Like counting down the last hours of a very sick friend, we saw this coming for a while - especially after New Hampshire.  Like we said, our endorsement - along with The State Newspaper - is the Kiss of Death.  According to numerous sources, former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman will end his campaign tomorrow, and ask his supporters to vote for Mitt Romney...

    As far as the Primary on Saturday goes, it shouldn't mean much.  Romney may pull in the lower 30's now, instead of the upper 20's.  It's one less candidate that would likely have been gone in a week.... but at least it is one less candidate.  We're thinking the conservative triumvurite of Santorum, Gingrich and Perry may lose a member, but that's far from set in stone.  We'll see....

    Huntsman had the right resume for the job, but there are only so many cards to punch for more than the first few primaries.... and Huntsman's 'Ticket to Ride' was invalid, which is why we never recommend using any Beatles songs for reference... It's all moot now.  Romney has his side of the field cleared... Now, we wait for the right side to make up it's mind.  It's gonna be a long ride.


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