Sunday, January 15, 2012

On the SC Trail... Rick Santorum Comes to Flotown

Sorry, We Didn't Go For Any Close Ups... But Trust Us, He Was There...

    With time and resources being so short this week, it looked like we would completely miss out on the South Carolina Primary visits.  Luckily, ONE candidate took the time to visit Florence: Rick Santorum.  The former Pennsylvania Senator stopped by Percy & Willie's on David McLeod Blvd for a couple hours to give his message, and hopefully pick up a few votes. The retail politics might have helped a bit...

    It was a pretty decent crowd of maybe 150 or so - big enough to make noise, but small enough to get a good look at Santorum.  For those of you who have never seen a candidate in person, you are missing out.  Getting to see a candidate unfiltered gives you almost all the information you need to choose - or not choose - one. For us, it confirmed a small piece or two that separates a vote or no vote. For others there, he was saying a lot of what they wanted to hear...

    Santorum and South Carolina are a pretty good match.  He makes no qualms about his faith, and even though some Protestants confuse Catholicism with Voodoo, there was plenty of middle ground.  Judging by the initial reactions, not everyone there was an automatic supporter.  They came because Santorum was there, and they were feeling him out.  For us, we didn't hear what we like to hear... like actual platforms and plans.

     Call it a character flaw, but we are nuts and bolts people.  When you talk for an hour, and do not use a single number, we can't see how you will act as President.  In a way, it was the conservative version of Barack Obama - lots of emotion and broad strokes.  We like details.  Lots of details. Santorum didn't get into any specifics until he took questions.  Maybe he preferred to do it that way, but what if no one asked what you wanted... or asked any questions at all?  The best way to make your points is to do it yourself.

    We're not here to bury Santorum.  He's a very nice guy, he is not at all the kook Ron Paul or Rick Perry are.  He is more realistic in what can and cannot be done.  We just think there are better candidates out there.  His message will do well in South Carolina, and he could end up the 'Conservative Alternative' that the party is still sifting through. He may even be the eventual nominee, and if he is, we'll vote for him.  But we ain't there yet....

    Above all, the cool thing was that one of the candidates actually set foot in my town, and spent a couple hours here.  Retail politics worked well for him in Iowa, and if no one else bothers to stop by, he will benefit from it again.  Six days to go, and unfortunately, we are packing up for the week to play one last show, and pack up for the final move.  Just like the candidates, and the media throng following them all around...


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