Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The 7th District Field Gets Smaller .....

Mande Wilkes Drops Out of the Race for Congress, Endorses Bauer..

     We are almost all through with Filing Season, when candidates decide if they are ACTUALLY going to run or not.. So while it's always interesting to see who does run, it's more interesting at this time to see who isn't.  The funny thing about having to write that $3400 check - it gives a lot of people second thoughts...

    Yesterday, 7th Congressional District hopeful Mande Wilkes decided to pull out of the race, and put her support behind former Lt. Governor and current leader, Andre Bauer...  While some have trouble writing that check, and others get the poll numbers and decide to stay home, Wilkes cited her current pregnancy as the main thing she needs to focus on.  It's exactly what we said a couple months ago - and it's absolutely the right thing to do.  Wilkes is 27, and this is her first child. She's going to have plenty of chances to run for office, but one one chance at a first baby..

   While her choice of Bauer is raising eyebrows, it's not too strange to us.  There isn't a clear candidate that shares Wilkes' stark liberatarian-leaning views, so Bauer comes close, with his experience and history of blocking spending..  How much that will push Bauer is up for debate, but Wilkes wasn't polling too great, so we guess not much. Then again, neither were 7 of the 10 candidates....

   So, Wilkes is out.  Kuds for doing the smart thing.. We now wait on some of the others to make up their minds.  We read that Dick Withington somehow filed for the 7th, the 34th Senate and 110th House district, but who knows if that's true.. He did leave another odd comment on Wilkes' endorsement of Bauer, but that's par for the course.  BTW Dick, government can cut spending and NOT ruin an economy because the government's budget is extremely small compared to the size of the US Economy.  That piece of knowledge is free, but we may ahve to start charging you from here on out...   The question is who else's pen suddenly will run out of ink ??


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