Thursday, March 29, 2012

Octavia Decides City Council Ain't So Bad After All ...

Hey, It's a Woman's Prerogative to Change Her Mind, Right ???

     Like we say, once these dominoes start falling into place, it gets pretty interesting...  Just a few hours after City Councilman Steve Powers jumped parties and announced he will run for Mayor of Florence as a Republican, his fellow member of council, Octavia Williams-Blake, spun 180 degrees and decided that she will once again run for a second term...  Months earlier, she announced that one term was enough for her, due to the constant petty arguing among council members.

    The big question, of course, is what change her mind?  There are a couple possibilities: a sense of civic duty, personal life/family issues, or the fact that there were no Democrats on the ballot for Council, which essentially gave two at-large seats back to the GOP.  However, we're doubtful about any of these as the main reason.  Why? Because all of these reasons have been around for months. What changed yesterday? Steve Powers decided to run for Mayor...

    Yep, it appears that Octavia, a close ally of Stephen Wukela, decided that she could tolerate having Ed Robinson a few feet away - but that both Robinson and Powers were too much.  With Powers giving up his council seat to run for Mayor, Blake seems pretty sure that Wukela will beat Powers - and with good reason.  But, there is always a chance Powers could upset Mayor Hickory Head, thus leaving her on Council for another four years - but this time Powers as Mayor.  Blake is risking four years of what she considers to be absolute Hell for the chance of four years of blissful splendor.  Yes, they apparently don't get along THAT much...

     It's a gamble, but a very calculated one.  Both Octavia and Wukela have solid Democrat support, but with enough crossover appeal to hold off Republican challengers... Both Blake and Powers are typical fuzzy Florentine politicians: both of them have been to GOP events in the past at varying times. The difference is Octavia has managed to work with Wukela, and Powers didn't.  Barack Obama still has long enough coattails here to get out the minority vote, and Wukela and Blake have established themselves to carry each other as well....

    This is not good news for newcomers Robby Hill and Ron Moore.  Williams-Blake will once again lead the pack in November, so there is only room for one candidate from the GOP.  Our guess is it will be Hill, who has a ton of contacts and name recognition, but you never know. It almost pits the two GOP candidates against each other.  The field may not be set yet, so if another Democrat gets in, then we go back to a game of 2-on-2... We'll see.

    Yeah, as much of a rumble as Powers switch/candidacy announcement left yesterday afternoon, Williams-Blake's re-entry was just as interesting.  No, they're not running against each other this time, but that shadow hangs over the race all the same.  All I know is P-Luv is as giddy as a schoolgirl today.... Stephen Wukela has his best ally back - one that can work with him, Buddy Brand and Glynn Willis.  Nothing is for sure yet, but I wouldn't bet against them... Steve Powers and the GOP's work is definitely cut our for them.


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