Friday, March 23, 2012

Facebook Picture of the Day..

     I got this one from the FB page of a friend from High School... The more that comes out from Trayvon Martin's shooting last month, the more it sounds like justice has not been done.  Both the shooter and the local police have a lot to answer for: why did he follow Trayvon after 911 dispatch told him specifically not to? How do you mistaken Skittles and a can of Iced Tea for a weapon? Why did he call 911 approximately 50 TIMES in the past year?  Certainly, it appears that we have a neighborhood watch person taking the job too far.  Neighborhood watch is supposed to be the eyes and ears of the community - not the defense of it....

    Another sad part is that Trayvon had no ID, so he remained in the morgue for three days before his parents got him.  No one used the media to find a relative?  The police seemed to be taking the sole word of the only person alive in the conflict between the two.  The Fed's and local police seem to have gotten their act together on this, but it will take a little time.  At this point, police need to make a solid case, and make sure what the shooter did was a violation of a really strange state law - and the worst case scenario of it.

     Little immediate good will come of it. Trayvon Martin is dead, and for no good reason.  Sad to say as well, it will probably happen again somewhere else - the tragedies seem to pop up every once in a while.  Luckily, this wasn't a cop.  Police are trained to deal with these things - how to confront and defuse situations like this.  People are not cops.  The saying is 'If You See Something, Say Something', not do something.. Why? Because things like this happen because of it.  We don't have an answer here, because it depends on individual responsibility, and some people just don't do it...



  1. west_rhino11:13 AM

    More will present itself, but "lynch the latino" shall be politically correct for now. OTOH, let the Panthers Noir screw with the Cubans and... write off that Latino vote for Obama

  2. WR, wouldn't that be 'Le Panthers Noir'??? :) Surely this will turn into a political football, but Zimmerman seems to have been classified as white, as opposed to Cuban. While the sideshows make for interesting TV, the cooler heads will ferrit all of this out - I hope!
