Friday, March 23, 2012

It Shows That If You're Right, And You Keep At It , Eventually They Will Admit You're At Least Half-Right ...

Obama Finally OK's Starting the Easy Half of the XL Pipeline....

     Well....... It's something, right?  After months and months of being pressured in a pretty obviously wrong stance, Barack Obama went to Cushing, Oklahoma to announce that he has finally decide to allow the Southern portion of the Keystone XL Pipeline to be built.  Unfortunately, building this section of the pipeline will not allow an additional barrel of oil to be brought in from Canada. In effect, he has not changed his stance of producing more oil locally...

    Nope, the new section to be built sometime in the next 100 years only goes from Cushing to the refineries in Port Arthur, Texas - where the crude oil is converted into gasoline.  So, any of you who thought this would give you major relief at the pump soon are in for a big surprise, and not the good kind.  The Northern portion - which delivers the oil from Canada - is still being scrapped. Of course, even if all of this were OK'd yesterday, it will be a while before gas prices might drop.

   For now, Obama has decided to put the best spin on his energy record, and hoping that will do the trick.  It's kind of an 'all of the above' strategy, but some of the 'above's have more of a priority. Unfortunately for our country, our leaders generally are puppets for either the oil industry, or the environmentalists.  It's pretty obvious Obama leans a bit left on that, becuase anything involving oil and natural gas exploration is done with him kicking and screaming... Still, for today, it all has little effect on gas prices today. But , we do have a small, real solution for a partly responsible reason for rising gas prices...

   Speculation plays a very big part of oil going up.  We explained it before: the dollar goes down, and the first reaction is to invest in commodities - like oil. So the price goes up.  The thing to remember about investments and commodities is that most of it is done weighted. That is, they don't put up all of their investment in cash, but only a small portion of it. So, they bet the farm with no collateral.  Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has put up a bill to require that investors in oil futures be required to put up a higher percentage up to invest.  Basically, it's a 'put your money where your balls are' bill.  Not a bad idea, in that it will stabilize the price of oil, so the speculators will not be leveraged so easily...

    Hey, it's a start, right?  Time will tell if he caves in on the other half of it, but we're not holding our breath.  It's a small victory, but you have to take whatever you can get..


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