Friday, March 23, 2012

Guys, It's Time to Take The Weekend Off ....

Etch-A-Sketchgate and Voting for Obama Comments Have Even Us Wishing These Guys Were Using Teleprompters Right Now...

    This is what happens when we go to Summerville for 20 hours... It's been a long hard run for all the candidates, and it's starting to take it's toll on the four remaining candidates.  We've already spoken a couple times about Newt Gingrich making no sense lately, and Ron Paul seems to have fallen off of Planet Earth.  Well, Team Romney and Rick Santorum have jumped into the crevice of stupidity since yesterday as well.  No one thought everyone would have to run this long, and we know why they try not to - everyone is getting stupid and punchy.....

    Not only are the candidates getting punchy, but their faithful minions are making mountains of molehills - and it's really starting to hurt the field.  First was Etch A Sketch Mania.... OK, let's try to explain something here - what Romney's communication director was saying was absolutely true.  Maybe it wasn't the right words.. We would have used something like 'Pivot'.. But, it happens after EVERY candidate wins the nomination - on BOTH sides.  Mitt Romney's problem is that he does pander a bit more than the others might. So even though each of the three main guys left have their own Less Than Conservative stances on various issues, Romney wiping away a screen looks a bit worse.

    But, it's a bit childish (pun intended) to see Santorum and Newt Gingrich holding Etch a Sketch's at campaign stops and using EAS references at every opportunity. There are good optics, and then there are bad optics, and middle aged guys holding up Etch A Sketch's is a bad optic.  All it is are signs that Santorum and Gingrich are getting sadly desperate....

    Now onto Stupidity, Part Deux.... Santorum's saying that the difference between Romney and Barack Obama are so small, you might as well re-elect Obama.  Do I think for a second he actually meant it? No.... But, when the window gets tighter and tighter, you get more desperate, and you start saying things you don't mean.  It's like when your girlfriend is breaking up with you, and you say dumber and dumber things - right before you ask her to marry you as she's walking out the door!

    Santorum's Step One was the right move - just say you misspoke, and get on with it. The problem is that this apparently was written by Santorum's staff, and Rick Santorum doesn't totally agree with his statement.  He was on Neil Cavuto's show, and at first he tried to say that he was misunderstood, but really couldn't explain WHAT he meant, except to eventually say that he wouldn't vote for Obama if he lost.  But he was mad, almost to the point of being unhinged like an Occupy Wall Street protestor who just had his sleeping bag confiscated...

    Yes, it's a long and winding road to the nomination, and it's taking it's toll on these guys... It is one of the negatives of dividing the delegate amounts in most of the states.  Most sports have period breaks or halftime, where they get to take a breath.  Perhaps the campaigns should have one as well - say a two week moratorium where no campaigning can be done, just organizing and fund raising.  Anything where the guys don't have to answer questions or talk at all.  Right now, we could all use the break...


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