Sunday, March 04, 2012

In the End, We Got What We Asked For ...

After a Lot of Noise, The FCGOP Does It Right This Time...

    There was a lot of unnecessary insults and blabbering that went on this week during our little critique of how Brad Richardson's Facebook page for his Vice-Chairman campaign was done.  But, for all the crying and 'indignation' it caused, it appears that SOMEONE actually got what I was saying, and fixed their error - or at least they didn't repeat them...

    Elijah Jones now has a Facebook page up for his campaign for 7th District Chairman - and it's a little different than Brad's was.  This time, it was done as an EVENT page, which is more correct, considering it is an event taking place in May...  The bigger and more important part of this is members are INVITED, not just added, which gives a truer indication of who is actually supporting Elijah. If he gets 500 members, congrats and so be it - he earned it.  That was all we asked for, and thanks to his supporters for doing it right this time...


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