Sunday, March 04, 2012

That Giant Flushing Noise Is Your Tax Dollars, Folks !

Internal Govt Report: We Waste $400 Billion Annually In Duplication of Services. Think We Can Cut the Deficit Now??

    Get that paring knife ready, people.... Because we've apparently got some room to hack off of the Federal Budget.  You know why we often call Congress gutless (OK , we more often call them retarded)?? It's because they lack the cajones to make the tough decisions in budget matters. Yeah, everything that we try to cut doesn't, because there is a farmer or poor person or lobbyist crying it will ruin their lives.. Well, what we always thought was the case was confirmed this week: Government is too big, and more importantly, it is duplicative.

    Yep, an internal government report stated that there is about $400 BILLION a year in waste - all due to duplication of services. That is, there are multiple departments of government that essentially do the SAME THING.  How can that be? Easy.. There apparently is no clearly defined lines of what agency handles what.  It isn't hard to find...

    Security?  OK, how about the FBI, CIA, Homeland Security, ATF, NSA and a few others we won't take the time to research... The economy? Well, there must a dozen or so of those.  Health agencies?  Gotta be four or five of them too.   Then you get into the crossover issues: Who handles a chemical spill possibly related to a terrorist threat? Good God, we shudder to think...  It's pretty easy to see how the lines are fuzzy.

    Apparently, the government has pegged these crossovers, and could implement a plan to eliminate them.. But Congress doesn't seem to want to do that.  Why? Because they are shortsighted, and scared.  If your Congressman or Senator actually CUT the budget in real terms by $400 billion a year, without raising taxes, would you vote for him/her again?  Our money says yes.  But, instead, they're scared that they'll be viewed as inhuman for sending a couple hundred thousand Federal Employees to the private sector with pink slips.  That's what they do - it like they're driving a car and trying to turn it with The Club still attached to the steering wheel....

   It's yet another example of a solution for a major impending problem in the United States, and nothing is being done.  DC is driving 100 MPH an hour at night with the headlights off, and sooner or later, something is gonna come up in the road. That's when they'll TRY to fix it, but it'll be too late. No problem - they'll be out of office or dead when it happens. But you and I will still be here....


1 comment:

  1. Bobby9:46 PM

    every time the IRS sent a letter to audit me, they sent two of the same thing.
