Wednesday, July 04, 2012

And 1 + 1 = 2 ....

And to Conclude Our Week of Crappy Posts, We Offer Our Conspiracy Theory on Anderson Cooper and Tom Cruise...

     Having a few minutes to think about Tom Cruise's impending divorce from Katie Holmes, suddenlt followed by Anderson Cooper's announcement that he is gay, we can only draw one conclusion - Coop's making a play for the Top Gun!

     Do we have any proof of this? No.  Is Tom Cruise even gay? We don't think so, although the whole couch jumping thing on Oprah made us wonder what the hell was going on with him.... Still, he's never gone the Hollywood 'I'll go gay in my next movie so I have a chance at an Oscar' route.  That makes us wonder aloud if he's pulling a Cary Grant or Rock Hudson, and dozens of others in the old days of Hollywood.  We doubt it, but it is funny. 

    Instead of TomKat , will we soon see it replaced by 'AnderTom Cruiper?'   Hey, you never know....


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:32 AM

    AnderTom?? Sorry Mike, but that made me throw up a little...teg
