Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Cartoons of the Week ....

       This is easily the latest we've ever posted for our Sunday lineup.. We apologize for the delay.  We lost power for most of the day, and was a bit under the weather earlier that day as well, after stepping on a fire ant mound while putting up signs for the Four Horsemen event the day before.  Now, onto the toons....

     Obviously, all eyes and pens were on the Supreme Court last week..   First, they ruled on Arizona's Immigration laws, which were for the most part wiped out.  This toon assumes that all illegals might best keep a copy handy incase they do get pulled over anyway..

That however, was small potatoes compared to Thursday's megabomb on Obamacare.  While we are a tad less worried personally, now that we have health insurance again, we wonder how lower middle class people who can't really pull off the $500-600 a month for it will deal... For this group, their idea was to drive to Canada, where nationalized health care has been around for a while.  Of course, they don't waste trillions of dollars on pork and useless programs like we do, so paying for the big things is easier...


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