Sunday, July 15, 2012

Cartoons of the Week....

      Perhaps the best thing about when Congress goes away for vacation is that the cartoons seem to be funnier.... That, and we can be sure that nothing else will be wrecked, unlike when they're in session.  It kinda frees them up to look all over, rather than just DC, for intreresting fodder.  The first big recent event was the House passing a bill to end Obamacare for the 33rd time.  Yeah, it's all political, but hopefully this will be the last time in this term they bother with it - the Serenity Prayer would be good advice right now...

The other big deal - just from the other end - was Barack Obama pushing to continue the Bush Tax cut, which isn't a cut, just avoiding a hike - except to those making over $250,000 per year.  It's a tough sell when even Chuck Schumer is against it, because in New York, 250k isn't a lot of money... The bigger problem is there is still no LONG TERM tax policy.  Argue over Middle Class cuts, job creators or both, but until they make the picture clearer for more than 12 months at a time, nothing will work - especially raising taxes on anyone. We need to spend less.....

This week's WTF moment was the US Olympic Committee's acceptance of Ralph Lauren's making the team's uniforms in China... Nevermind that, we want to know what the hell is up with those fruity berets????  Harry Reid was right, but he needs to jump in the fiery trash can with them!

The saddest news was the Freeh Report on the Sandusky scandal at Penn State.... It's sad, but no surprise, that Joe Paterno knew what was going on, and he made some bad decisions in the attempt to protect his friend.  The Nittany Lion football program is wounded, but likely not mortally... They might be battling Indiana and Northwestern for the cellar in the Big Ten for now, but they'll bounce back eventually...


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