Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Why I'm Running for Florence State Executive Committee

       OK, it's been about a week since the news broke that I would be running for Florence County's State Executive Committee position.  Honestly, we weren't expecting much positive to come of it, but we've really been pleasantly surprised by the good reviews of my doing so.  Yeah, we would expect Earl Capps to endorse me, but even I wasn't sure he would recommend my running.  I don't run for the sake of running.  Getting beaten 25-0 or having 4% of a primary vote isn't my idea of fun.  So, the question needs to be asked - why run?  It's easy: at this point in time, I am the best combination of qualifications and attitude for this job.

    The term is only filling out the eight months of Julian Young's term, but right now, the relationship between the FCGOP and many other counties in the state is pretty ugly.  While I don't blame the FCGOP for the SEI mess, it was apparent to anyone looking at it objectively that they purposely disregarded the SC Supreme Court's ruling, and allowed candidates on the ballot that they shouldn't have.  Not that I don't sympathize with why they did, but law is law - and when this happened, another 45 or so candidates came off the ballot.  Many counties blame them for this.  I don't, but it is what it is.. 

    For this short eight month period, the FCGOP needs to bridge the gulf between themselves and the other counties.  Putting one of their own in the EC spot will not do it.  They need to take this opportunity to tell everyone 'OK, we get it' - whether they feel it's right or not.  We know Tommy Phillips is qualified, but they would never pick him, so I put my hat in the ring once I saw that no one with better qualifications than me would..  Maybe they do hate me. Honestly, I don't know why.  All I can say is that I've never suggested they need to go, and despite all the lies they have told others about me, it hasn't let me feel the same ill will.  They have strengths, and like me, weaknesses.  If I had a dollar for everytime I've heard 'You're not at all like the FCGOP says you are' this year, I'd be pretty well off... 

    Tom Phillips and I both have promised the same thing: we will only serve the eight months, while taking prospective successors around to ensure the fences will be mended by 2013.  It's what's needed right now, but certain members of the leadership seem to think the only ones with any skills are them...

    The control of literally all things in the FCGOP is concentrated within about 4-5 people.  It's frustrating to hear from some of the members of the FCGOP leadership complain how hard they work for nothing, but yet they refuse to include others in assisting.  Here's a great example: when I renewed my membership, the application listed about a dozen things we would be willing to get involved in.  I checked off poll watcher - one of the most needed spots - and no one ever called.  Apparently, I'm not even qualified for that in their minds.  Why? Because I'm their worst nightmare - a guy who manages to point out when they make mistakes everytime they screw up, and be right on every occasion.  And I was one of five people who voted for Tommy Phillips in 2009 under a sense of loyalty.  It was 104-5, and they still hold a grudge over it..  

    Not everyone is a fan of The Four Horsemen, but we're pretty darned good at what we do.  Each of us have different skills, and while we don't love everyone (especially Tom), we generally manage to work with anyone we have to.  If those in the FCGOP weren't on a 'With Us or Against Us' kick, they'd have more support... The takeover was actually pretty beautiful - a group looking to include those who wanted back in the party.  What happened?  They're all gone.  Given weeks ahead to prepare for Monday's meeting, only 14 of the 39 EC members showed.... Stunning.  The bird has certainly turned.  Bill Pickle did his best to keep it positive, but the attitude of a couple of the elected party leaders was embarrassing.  Some of the members have questions - 'Just Trust Us' isn't always good enough.

   Nothing against Elijah Jones, but he is two months into the 7th District Chairman gig - which encompasses eight counties in the FIRST election for that seat - and he wants to handle the EC job as well.. Why? I don't know, but I remember him saying how exhausted he was doing the Chairman duties and trying to work at the same time.  Maybe he's recovered, but there is a far more worrisome reason he shouldn't have both jobs at the same time...

    Yes, there are county chairs who have statewide offices, as well as District jobs.  But, there is a particular problem of being District Chair and Executive Committeeman together.  District Chair is a speaking only position, but being both lends confusion at the EC meetings... At what point are you speaking as District Chair, and when are you speaking as EC?  Are you exclusively Chair until you get to vote as EC?  It puts too much power into one person, and there is the unavoidable fact that whatever you are doing at the EC meeting , you CAN'T do both at the same time. Therefore, for the entire duration of any meetings, you are abandoning one job or the other.  It's a fact...

    No, there is no rule that states you can't be both.  However, it's probably because no one fathomed the thought that one person would feel that they are the only person who can or should do both jobs... There are plenty of talented people out there.  I just happen to be one of them.  I didn't talk anyone into not running... I fact, I asked one to stay in, so the possibility of a friendly race might exist.  But that's gone.  I'm sorry, but Tommy Phillips' or my political resume - along with what it needed at this moment - trounces the need to let anyone from the FCGOP leadership to hold this position right now.  They have enough work to do....

    The Executive Committeeman is much like the consigliere in a Mafia family.  He/She is the conscience of the party who sits back, watches intently, and when a sage-like voice of reason needs to pipe up to steer the party back for it's own good, he does it.  They might look at me as a negative force, but they have misjudged me from Day One, when I prevented them from bumrushing the county convention. I made them do it fairly... It was for the better of the party - it was honest.  That's what I do.  I get things in the open, let them be discussed fairly and honestly, and when it's over, I move on  - without keeping score.  It's why I have a good reputation in SC politics.  No pretense, no bullshit - just honesty and respect.  Maybe they don't respect me, but that's their problem.  Most do, and that's why I might surprise a few people on the 23rd - or whenever they can scrounge up the committee again.

     If you know anyone in the Florence GOP, try to make them see the light - that I'm doing this for the right reason, and we will ALL be better off for it.  It might still not work, but it's worth a try...



  1. Robert8:54 PM

    I second Mike's election as EC for the remainder of the term. All in for a Draft Brad Richardson movement for the next term.

  2. I third it - and expect one of the Florence stooges to begin anonymous comments any minute ...

  3. Ron McGill11:55 PM

    Mike is worth it.Elijah is the future but the time is not now.He is a young and up coming star who's fire should not be quench by burning him out. Let him learn his position as 7th District Chairman. let him earn the respect of his 7th District chairs. He's got time.

  4. Mike is the man in this.

  5. west_rhino10:12 AM

    Call HAZMAT for those shoes!
