Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Today Was a Great Day For America ...

For Or Against Gay Marriage, You Have to Like This Week's Chik-Fil-A Debate That Played Out Across the Country....

     Just a quick note to mark Chik-Fil-A Day.. Not from the political perspective, because we try to avoid social issues.  But more so to celebrate as an American, and the display of our First Amendment rights.  Now, to get semi-political.... Our favorite comment was from Dana Moody-Shriver, who mused 'It would be nice to see lines at the polling stations like there were at Chik-Fil-A today in November.'   If only we got as excited about voting as we did about Chicken Filet Biscuits.....



  1. I just hope all those folks who claimed to be supporting the first amendment this week remember there's another part of that amendment...the Establishment Clause. Would've been nice to see them show that kind of support to a guy like Bursey when he got arrested for standing on the side of the road at the airport in Cola holding a sign protesting the Iraq War when W was in town... #ConvenientExcuses

  2. west_rhino9:23 AM

    and Bret Bursey's intention was to get arrested and add another notch to the artifice of a score of protests.
