Thursday, August 02, 2012

Why Mitt Romney May NEVER Release His Tax Returns..


      Unless you've been living under a very large rock the past few months, you're well aware that seemingly anyone and everyone has been pressuring Mitt Romney to release his tax returns for the past ten years.  It's gotten so bad, Democrat punks like Harry Reid and former Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland (who got thumped by John Kasich in 2010, after Ohio's economy went down the toilet) are intimating without proof that Romney may have actually NOT paid taxes.... It's getting out of hand, but for those of you Republicans hoping to end the pressure by releasing the returns, don't hold your breath - it's probably not happening.

   Yes, Romney might have been able to diffuse this back in January by releasing all of those tax returns, but he wasn't a lead pipe lock to win the nomination, so he was likely worried it could cost him.  By the way, as usual, this whole mess was started by ourselves - namely Newt Gingrich.  One day, we'll stop eating our own during primary races, but this wasn't the year... If Romney were psychic, and knew he would have won the nomination anyway, we're sure he would have let them out back then.  Now, it's too late.  Why? Because no matter what Romney does, he can't win...

   What do we mean?  Simple.  While Republicans would be happy with Romney's fortrightness, it doesn't earn him any votes.  However, he would not be treated so nicely by the Democrats.. It's a fact when it comes to taxes - rich guys can't win.  Whatever numbers come out, the Democrats will manipulate them however it makes him look bad.  Say, Mitt paid $25 million in taxes at an overall rate of 33% in 2001... Will they say that? No way - they will only point out that he made $75 million that year, and that is EVIL... Yes, making money is a crime to some. 

   Do we think that is what it'll look like on his returns? We don't know, we're not his accountant.  But, we do know that superrich people - whether they earned it or not - are vilified by the political machine out of sheer jealously and the blind will to win at all costs.  We don't think Romney can win in this scenario at all, and if we were him, we'd ingore it as well.  Eventually, the 'where are the tax records?' calls will die down again, as REAL issues in an election take precedence.  We've heard the theory that Romney's taxes are like Obama's Birth Certificate.  We agree totally... BOTH are non-issues.  Thank God, Summer is flying by, and Labor Day - aka Election Ramp Up - will soon be here..... 



  1. Objectively, there's only one reason Romney isn't releasing them: they're gonna show how damn low his effective tax rate actually was. Seriously, under those Bush years, when the market went from 12K+ to 6K, does anyone not think that a rich guy like Mitt didn't have enough in losses to probably make Reid correct? At the very least, it's probably below 15% (but for a guy like Romney I'd bet it was probably closer to zero than 15%. That's why I loved his response: I paid all MY taxes. Yeah, Mitt...that's what your problem is. If you release your returns, folks find out just how little the uber rich pay. And then it ruins your narrative.

  2. That could very well be, but doesn't that give him the argument that 1) I didn't always make a ton of money and 2) that is how Capitalism works: we venture, we win, we lose. Even him. I think if he lost his ass on occasion, it would shut up the Vulture Capitalism people. Yes, some people lost a job, but I lost my ass on that one too trying to salvage the company... He was out of the market during the 1999 or 2002 to current time, so all his money is dividends or capital gains, which was already taxed when the earned income it became was already taxed once. Maybe it should be a bit higher than 15%, but not equal to earned income. I proposed 22%...

  3. Ron McGill5:47 PM

    This class envy is full of crap. It's no one business. American used to be a place when people fought to get here so they too could earn and become rich. Now it's the socialists who are always worried about what's in your wallet. It's none of your business. None. Go make your own. If you don't like it I'm sure Cuba is open.Oh wait. They can't afford to feed their own people and need help from China. Yea, that's the model we're working towards?

  4. Please...the man's own father knew it was fair game. And Romney has had no problem with "socialism" during his professional life. Bain made plenty of money with the privatize- profits-socialize-losses mentality of leveraging the hell out of the companies they got involved with & then letting them go to bankruptcy...
